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Dear J.P,

You're one of those friends.. Who have never hurt me.. So I trust you and look to you for comfort sometimes..

Maybe that's because I'm waiting for you to hurt me

But I don't think you will because you are one of the nicest people I know..

All this shit.. It will get better

I never want to lose you as a friend.. You are just so amazing

You will always proiritise other people and their feelings to yours.. Which isn't necessarily always good but it's so sweet..

You'll always try to be happy or supportive for everyone...

And you don't hate easily..

The most annoying person could come up to you, and yes you would find them annoying, but you have no reason to hate them so you just don't..

I barely knew you until this year and I feel like I know you pretty well now..

All that matters though is that, beyond all the shit.. You are this amazing person who is loyal, trustworthy and you just care so much..

Anybody would be lucky to have you..

And you deserve so much..


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