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I have been thinking recently, that hugs make me happy

I used to not hug people so much.. But now I absolutely love hugs

I think I always loved hugs.. But its only just been showing up in my personality since I've been needing them more


Anyway, hugs are just wonderful

And they are natural ways of making us feel better

Apparently when you hug someone properly, these are released with in ur brain:

Dopamine: increases the feeling of pleasure, warmth, motivation and reward. It's what's central in addiction and is what floods the brain during drug use, sex, eating, basically all things pleasurable.

Serotonin: elevates mood, can alleviate anxiety and decrease feelings of loneliness. Think anti-depressants like SSRI's (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors).

Oxytocin: helps encourage bonding, social adhesion and strengthens trust with whom we are hugging.

And apart from that all being sciencey, its just saying how we feel warm and safe and fuzzy and gooey sometimes when we get hugged

And isnt that true?

You can not tell me that when you're hugging someone, even if there's only one person in your life you will ever hug and maybe you havent found them yet.. But when you're hugged by the right people.. It feels flippin amazing and you never wanna let go.

Now aren't hugs amazing things? And holy crap, guess what? Its free!

Aren't we just so lucky?

What isn't lucky is when you have no one you want to hug available, when u need hugs more than anything..


Tbh I don't want so much sympathy from my chapters, just want hugs

Hugs all day and night from the friends

Really all I need..

And you know




But who needs em when u have hugs right?


You ok bebys?..

I know you're not..

Hug for you K.M

Hug for you C.M

Hug for you J.P

Hug for you A.L

Hug for you R.S

Hug for you B.M

Hug for all my other bebys

Hug for all of you gorgeous people in the world,

Because sometimes.. All you need is a hug..


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