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Wazzup my Peepy peeps?!

Oh that was so cringe.. Keeping it anyway!

You know its weird, cause I just finished writing my last chapter and I was feeling kinda sad as always...

(When I was first writing the chapter I felt worse then when I was finishing it just then..)

.. And I told myself I was gonna write a happy chapter.. I thought I'd put up a happy picture and some happy words and be done..

But then I actually started writing.. And the first thing that popped into my mind, (waz up my peepy peeps?!) made me feel just like, into this chapter.. Idk.. Kinda happy.. Like I was motivated and ready to write a happy chapter...

I don't know.. I guess my weird mind wants me to be happy sometimes.. So it comes up with some random shit like "wazzup my Peepy peeps?!" To just show how much of an idiot I am when I'm happy..


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