Chapter 1

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Tom's POV

"Hello everyone and welcome your faces to the world of Mianite! As you can tell, a certain Mr. Sparklydick just had to go fill up my base with water. Again. He's so gonna get it.."

"Hi, are you plotting against me?"

"Yes, I am."

"Listen, I just thought Namo and Merlon were suffocating in the air, so I thought.."

"Yeah yeah, would you just get over here and help me clean this up, I keep fucking drowning."

"Well, you see, I'm trying to move all my stuff from my old base into Jerry's Tree 2.0 soo, I've really got my hands tied here.."

"I swear to god Sparklez, if you don't get over here in 5 minutes, I will burn that tree down so fast.."

"Alright alright! I'm coming over!"

Yes. He's coming over. I honestly wasn't that mad when Jordan filled up my base, cause I knew I could get him in TeamSpeak alone. Just to talk. I couldn't let anyone know he was the real reason I broke up with my girlfriend. But he doesn't like gu-

"Hey guys!" a familiar voice chimed in. Why did he have to join and ruin Jordan and I's unofficial date?

"Hey Tucker," Jordan said cooly.

"Hmph.." I muttered.

"Is someone salty?" Tucker asked me.

"...I think so," Jordan mumbled.

"Well, someone had to turn my base into a fucking aquarium," I hissed.

I didn't mean to make that sound hostile. I hope Jordan didn't take it that way...

"Well, I just thought Namo and Marlon were suffocating."

"I don't blame him Tom, they were out of the water," Tucker giggled.

"Wait, woah woah," Sonja joined in.

"Hey Sonj," Tucker said.

"Did Sparklez fill Tom's base?" she asked.

"Yep," Jordan replied.

"TRIAL!!!!!" Sonja yelled.

"TRIAL!!!" Tucker joined in.

"No wait, no trial!" Jordan begged.

"Yeah TRIAL, he's got all his good armor!"

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