Chapter 23

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Tom's POV

I tried to dress fairly nice. I wore black jeans, and one of my Syndicate shirts with a jacket thrown over the top.

"Tom! Jordan's here, are you ready?" Tucker called up to my room.

"Yeah!" I called back. I quickly grabbed my phone, and ran downstairs. Jordan was wearing jeans too. We must've been going somewhere pretty fancy.

"Where are we going?" I asked the group.

"Olive Garden," Sonja replied. "I felt like Italian tonight."

"Alright, Mario," Tucker mumbled. Tucker and Sonja climbed in the front seat and Jordan and I climbed in the back.

Tucker played the radio and talked to Sonja for a little while.

"Have you found a nice place yet?" Jordan asked me.

"Yeah, I actually found this house. It's brand new, they're supposedly building it as we speak. We won't have to deal with other people at an apartment, cause it's a house all to myself," I told him.

"We? You're going with him?" I could hear Tucker ask.

"Yeah, I'm going to hang out up there for a little bit. I haven't traveled for a while," Jordan explained.

Sonja started giggling.

"What?" Jordan asked, confused. I was confused too. Tucker started giggling along with her.

"What's so funny?" I finally asked her.

"Nothing, nothing. I promise," Sonja said.

"I don't trust that nonsense," I replied. She handed me her phone. It was on the messenger app.

Dan: Is it bad that I kinda see Jordan and Tom as a pair?
Sonja: No, many people do, I ship it
Dan: Glad I'm not the only one. I love them

Jordan peeked at the text over my shoulder.

He started to laugh, nervously.

"That's fun," he mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" Tucker asked.

"I just think it's funny that you guys ship your two friends," he said.

"Oh come on, I ship my friends all the time," Sonja said.

Jordan and Sonja kinda bickered back and forth through the whole car ride. We enjoyed dinner, and decided to go bowling. We laughed, took videos, posted on twitter, drank beer, ate nachos, and got hammered.

Luckily, Sonja was smart enough to only have one glass of wine at Olive Garden, so she felt good enough to drive. I usually hated having someone drive when they've had something to drink, but I wanted to go home.

Sonja climbed in the drivers seat, and Tucker in the passenger seat. I sat close next to Jordan.

I liked cuddling with him. I put my hand on his knee. He fidgeted, and took my hand in his. But, I didn't want to hold his hand. I released my hand from his grasp, and placed my hand higher on his thigh this time.

He seemed uncomfortable and tense at first, but he let me move my hand a little higher, so I figured he didn't mind.

When we finally made it home, I played it off as if I was sleeping the whole car ride, but I led Jordan to my room, knowing we would have a long night.

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