Chapter 48

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Jordan's POV

"So James is gay..." Tom repeated for the sixth time.

"Yes Tom, I already went over this yesterday. He wanted to tell me first, cause he thought I'd be the most accepting, whatever that means..." I tried to explain.

"Yeah but... He doesn't act like it," Tom mumbled.

"Well, we don't either," I argued, slipping on a CaptainSparklez t-shirt.

"You don't do what?" Sonja barged in. My eyes widdened, quickly turning around to face her.

"Nothing important, what's up?" Tom said, cooly. I tried to hide my worried expression with a fake smile.

"Where do you keep the cereal? We want breakfast," Sonja asked.

"Top shelf, on the right," Tom said, grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans from a drawer. I'm glad he was smart enough to pull on his boxers after we were... Finished last night.

I borrowed some of his jeans, I wanted to look better than the usual shorts.

Tom had no idea what I had in mind. Our Mianite panel was today, and I had something planned.


"So, this question is for all of you, um, what are your relationships like?" a fan asked, shakily.

This was it, the question I was waiting for. It gets asked at almost every panel.

"Well, Sonja and I are dating, and all of us in the team are really great friends. I wouldn't trade these guys for the world," Tucker answered.

"Yeah, I uh-" I started to say, acting as if I wanted to add to his answer. Instead of continuing, I reached over to Tom, and kissed him, just like I have before.

Screams, gasps, and squeals could be heard from the audience. I released our quick kiss, nodding at Tom. He smiled at me, and decided to take over.

"Jordan and I have an announcement," Tom said. Sonja danced in her chair, while Tucker mouthed to me, 'Is this real?'

I simply nodded, holding Tom's hand under the table.

"Jordan and I are gay, and we love eachother. We've been dating for maybe... Two months now?" Tom looked over at me, to confirm. I nodded, allowing him to do most of the talking.

"It doesn't change who we are, in fact, you'll probably forget about it. We don't make very many real-life related videos, so-" a venomous voice cut off my boyfriend's words.

"FUCKING FAG!" the hostile words attacked my heart. Tom simply squeezed my hand, as we watched the security begin to walk towards the heckler.

I struggled to hold back tears, until I watched audience member after audience member. Fan after fan. They all held up their hands, in a simple heart shape.

"LOVE WINS!" a girl in the front, with soft purple hair, shouted. My heart swelled, when the whole room held up perfect little hand-hearts.

I released my grip from Tom's hand, holding up my own heart symbol. Tucker, Sonja, Tom, James, and Dec proudly followed.

We may have hatred, and we may have rejection, but the majority of our true fans will love and accept us for who we are.

Okay, I really hate to write this, but it needs to be said. This is an update regarding the mass shootings in Orlando. First, the loved Christina Grimme was shot at a concert, and the next day the shootings with the LGTBQ community. My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those affected. This is definetly striking up controversy between religions, gun laws, and other's personal beliefs. I just wanted to let you all know that I love and accept each and every one of you, and if you'd like to talk I'm always here. I hope one day love wins the war against hate, and we can all learn to accept each other for who we are. Be strong, be safe, and be yourself. Love you all ❤️

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