Chapter 42

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Jordan's POV

I clicked away at the computer screen, adjusting the pitch. Brian pointed out places he thought stood out to him as 'too sharp.' I figured Dan and Arin would be helping me more, but they just sat on the couch, listening to the final products.

"Is there any way to make it less... Dubsteppy?" Brain asked, leaning over my chair.

"I uh... I can try," I said, adjusting some of the instruments. There is only so much you can do with FruityLoops. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. I wanted to focus on this music, cause we only had one song done, and it's getting close to being 3 a.m.

"I think it sounds cool, we could always adjust some of the lyrics, or the pitches," Dan suggested.

"But your voice only goes so low," Brain argued.

"So, let Arin sing it. Or we could ask Mark to feature in it," Dan said, resting his feet on the edge of my desk. I didn't understand why we had to be in such a small room together.

My phone continued to buzz in my pocket. I threw it to Dan, not wanting to deal with it right now.

"A call from Tom, huh?" Dan asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I remember Sonja telling me he shipped us. That's not embarrassing at all.

"Give it here," I demanded, reaching out my hand. Instead, Dan answered it, putting it on speaker.

"Heyyy baby," Tom's voice cooed over the phone. My face warmed up, and I reached for my phone. Dan held it over his head so I couldn't reach it.

"I w-ish I was in L.A..." Tom slurred his words.

"Why?" Dan asked, winking at me.

"Do not answer that," I said, jumping up to grab my phone. Arin giggled at my failed attempts, while Brain took over my place at the computer, trying to fix my mistakes.

"You kno-what I'd doooo..." Tom hiccuped. I stared into Dan's eyes.

"You're being a dick right now," I whispered to him. Arin and Dan just broke down with laughter, allowing me to finally reach my phone.

I scurried to hit the 'end call' button, stuffing it back into my pocket.

Dan sat back down on the couch, a smirk plastered across his face.

"So you and Tom?" Arin asked, twirling his wedding ring.

"I'm not gay. Just saying," I said, trying to cover up my pink cheeks.

"Mhmm, that's what they all say," Brain muttered, allowing me to sit back down in my spot.

I pushed my cheeks against my hands, trying to focus back on the music. It was obvious that the other guys were more interested in my love life at the moment.

If I wanted them off my back, I was gonna have to find a fake girlfriend. Or a beard, I guess that's what they're called. I'll have to find one fast.

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