Chapter 54

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Jordan's POV

"What do you mean he was only given a warning?" I hissed into the phone. I made sure to be quiet so I didn't wake Tom.

"I don't know, the police said there wasn't enough evidence or witnesses, so they gave him a warning and sent him on his way," Tucker explained, his voice cutting out.

"And you know this, how?" I asked, pacing around the small bathroom.

"James was at Minecon today, watching Sonja and I's panel. He asked where you and Tom were, but I didn't tell him anything."

"They allowed him to go into Minecon? After he assaulted my boyfriend?" I barked.

"Well, Jordan, we don't know the whole story and-"

"YOU SAW IT TUCKER!" I shouted. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, leaning against the door.

"I only saw a little bit of it... We don't know if Tom was the one who started it by kissing James, or-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked, lowering my voice. "I thought you would be on my side in this, and-"

"Jordan, you're fucking blind! You didn't see anything, and you're so preoccupied with the fact that Tom is your boyfriend and you have to protect him, that you don't consider the fact that Tom might be trying to cheat on you!" Tucker yelled.

"No, t-that's not it, that isn't true-"


"SHUT UP!" I yelled back.

"You're blind Jordan, you need to wake up," Tucker bit.

I tried to hold back tears. I punched myself in the thigh, biting down on my lip.

"Goodbye," I whispered into the phone. I didn't want to talk to Tucker anymore.

"I'm not done talking to you," Tucker protested.

"I am."

I pressed the 'End Call' button, resting my head against the door frame. My thigh was red where I hit it.

I looked down at the exposed skin.

The red mark began to sting, sending tingles down my leg.

I deserved that.

I pounded on my leg once again, biting on my tongue to hold back any cries.

A hot tear rolled down my cheek, staining my face a hot, crimson color.

I stood up on shaky legs, exiting the bathroom. I wiped away invisible tears on my dampened face, quietly exiting Tom's room.

I didn't want to be here anymore.

I want to go home.

I walked past the kitchen, staring at the front door.

"Tom might be trying to cheat on you!"

Tucker's words echoed in my head.

I set my phone on the counter, writing Tom a post-it note.

'Went out for some air.                     -Jordan'

I pushed the front door open, slamming it behind me. The moonlight poured through the tree's branches.

So many emotions engulfed me all at once. I couldn't handle this. I wanted away from Tom. I wanted away from this house. I wanted away from me.

I began to run down the street. I had no idea where my legs would take me. I continued to run, not stopping to look behind me.

At this point it seemed as if no one cared about my existence.

My vision was blurred by tears that flooded my eyes.

I looked around. I wasn't near Tom's house anymore.

I quickly shuffled onto the sidewalk as a car approached me.

I looked down at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" I heard a man ask.

"Yeah, thanks," I mumbled.

I listened to his car door open and shut.

I ran again. I can't trust anybody.

A sharp pain struck my ribs, as I gasped desperately for air.

I felt strong arms tackle me to the ground. My skull bounced off the concrete underneath me, causing more tears to pour out of my eyes.

Hands gripped onto my shirt, whipping me around to face my attacker.


"Hello Jordan. Why are you running from me? There is no reason to be afraid."

"HELP!" I shouted, clawing against his chest. His large body had me pinned against the jagged ground.

"Ah, there is no need for that," the man said, searching through his backpack. He reached towards my face, placing a silver piece of duct tape over my mouth. I quickly reached up my hands to tear it off, but he was faster than me.

He grabbed my hands, tucking them underneath his knees.

"Listen to me Jordan," the man cooed.

I shook my head violently from side to side.

"I'll take the tape off, you have to promise not to yell, got it?"

I nodded.

He peeled the silver adhesive away. I licked my lips, before screaming out once more.

"What did I tell you?" he yelled, striking me across the face.

"Why are you doing this, James?" I sobbed.

"Simple. I realized it wasn't Tom I loved. It was you. You're just too perfect Jordan," James smirked, tracing his finger along my chin.

"Tom never loved you, and I won't either," I hissed. James' eyebrows bunched together, as he sighed.

"Oh Jordan, that can be fixed," James said, reaching back into his bag. He pulled out handcuffs, locking them around my wrists. I tried to fight him, but nothing worked.

"Do you want the tape, or are you going to be a good boy?" James asked me. A good boy? Yeah, right.

I screamed out one last time, hoping a neighbor might hear me.

"The hard way it is," James mumbled, securing a piece of tape against my lips.

My muffled sobs only fueled his fire.

"Oh Jordy, don't worry. We'll be home soon," James murmured, kissing my nose.

He picked me up effortlessly, carrying me to his car. His eyes scanned my body, as I kicked and thrashed in his arms.

"You really are adorable."

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