Lil Update

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Hey there friends! As you might've seen in the last chapter, we recently hit 1k reads on this story, and I can't thank you guys enough! If you haven't seen that update, I don't know why you're here. Go back to the beginning of the book, the rest will make much more sense that way.

Anywho, in celebration, I'm doing a Q/A!

Big thanks to the two people who submitted the questions I ended up using.
Those people are @StarlitShadows02 and @Get-Away-Bruh. Go shower them with love.

Q: What's the #1 most played song on your iPod?
A: Literally anything by 21 Pilots or Melanie Martinez

Q: Who is your most favorite Wattpadder?
A: Imma cheat and say 3 people, cause I couldn't choose. rhink-trash and my two awesome friends @AlyssaWrites909 and Hidden-Bubbles

Q: What is one of your favorite quotes?
A:"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain

Q: What's your favorite book on/outside of Wattpadd?
A: On Wattpadd, "Fake Smiles," by rhink-trash. Off Wattpadd, "The Hunger Games," by Suzanne Collins.

Q: Where's Waldo?
A: I don't know man, why do you need to find him? Does he owe you money?

Q: Favorite food?
A: Steak, chocolate being a close second.

Q: If you could learn anything, what would it be?
A: I would learn how to speak as many different languages as I could.

Q: Any pets?
A: Yes! I actually live on a farm, so let the list begin...
-5 Horses
-1 Dog
-7 Kittens (They were stranded by their mother, so we helped them out.)
-10 Chickens
-8 Duckies

Q: Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
A: No idea. Maybe Lorde, cause of my hair?

Q: Your OTPS?
A: SyndiSparklez (Of course), and Rhink

Q: What would you name the autobiography of your life?
A: Coffee, My Savior

Q: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?
A: Dinner

Q: The best part of waking up is?
A: Coffee in my cup. Literally.

Q: Place you would like to visit?
A: California

Q: People you'd like to meet?
A: Every Youtuber I'm subscribed to. (That's over 50 people, at least...)

Q: Favorite subject in school?
A: English/Literature

Q: Favorite hobby or talent?
A: I'm cheating again and answering more than I should. Singing, writing, and acting. Idea, I should just write and fan-fiction musical. Doing it.

And that concludes the Q/A! Thank you all again for 1k reads, and may the cute, fluffiness that is SyndiSparklez, continue!

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