Chapter 26

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Jordan's POV

This was the week Tom would be going back to England. He was leaving Friday, but it was currently a Tuesday, that means I'll hopefully have four more days with him. I didn't want any moment to go to waste.

I quickly texted him.

Jordan: Hey, what are you doing?
Tom: Just got to dinner with Tucker, why?
Jordan: Just wondering if you wanted to do something later.
Tom: I'd love to! Dinner will be done by 9
Jordan: Alright, I'll pick you up at Tucker's place at 9:30

I hoped off my couch, and ran to my closet. I picked out a dark, navy blue shirt. It was a Game Grumps shirt, I figured since Dan, Arin, and I are friends now, I might as well support their channel, right?

I pulled on a pair of black gym shorts, and looked at the clock.

8:00 p.m.

Are you kidding me? I had to wait a whole hour before I could leave.
I watched Youtube videos, looked at potential homes to buy, and read fanfictions.

Finally, the time had come.


I quickly ran to my car and sped over to Tuckers and arrived right on time.

"Hey!" Tom called.

"Hi," I replied.

"Where are we going?" he asked me.

"It's a secret," I told him, as I quietly turned on the radio. I started driving to our destination.

We finally arrived after thirty minutes. Hollywood Hills. The view was gorgeous. I parked in an empty parking lot of a house with a "For Sale" sign out front. I grabbed a blanket out of the trunk, and spread it on the grass. It was completely silent, besides the few crickets here and there.

I laid down on the blanket, and patted the empty spot next to me. Tom sat down.

"This is... awesome," I could hear Tom whisper.

"I know, right? I love this place. I wish I could be here every night," I said, more to myself than to Tom.

"Well, you could. It's for sale," I heard Tom say.

"Maybe.. It's a bit too big for one person," I said.

"Well... Maybe you could get that dog you talked about," Tom suggested.

"Maybe, I don't know," I mumbled. We sat in silence, staring at the stars.

I could hear Tom sigh.

A slight breeze brushed against my cheek. I averted my eyes from the Big Dipper to look at Tom.

I loved the way his nose came to a point, and the way his chiseled chin was covered in scruff. I loved the way his hair would curl down on the top.

He looked over at me.

"You okay?" he asked, softly. I could feel him take my hand in his.

"Yeah," I gripped onto his hand, and smiled at him slightly.

I would miss him. I would miss looking at him, and observing all of his perfect imperfections. I would miss talking to him over teamspeak, and knowing I could just pick him up at anytime and see him.

But we weren't dating. We've never clarified that.

I tilted my head back at the sky. Tom's gaze remained on me.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"What are we?" I finally whispered. It felt like a heavy weight was lifted off my chest when I finally asked.

"What do you mean?" I heard Tom whisper to me. I could feel him shift onto his side.

I turned on my side to face him. "I don't want to be just-"

"Friends with benefits?" Tom finished my sentence.

"Uh, yeah," I said. I watched Tom's eyes dart from my hair, to my eyes, to my lips, back up to my eyes again.

"So, do you wanna be more that that?" he asked me, awkwardly.

I tried to laugh, to lighten the mood. It came out as nervous laughter. "Yeah, I mean, if you want to, I mean, you don-"

I was cut off by Tom's lips hitting mine. He placed his warm hand on my cheek.

He slowly pulled away, and this time, he was sober enough to really remember this moment.

Tom's eyes shifted between my two eyes, his hand resting gently on my face. He stroked my cheek using his thumb.

"Well then, I'm glad I can officially call you mine."

Perfect Imperfections  ✧ SyndisparklezWhere stories live. Discover now