Chapter 28

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Jordan's POV

Alice had dropped Tom and I off in front of a large house. It had a modern feel to it. It had lots of windows and was a pale gray color. The front yard had dirt instead of grass.

"They just built this place. I'm the first owner," Tom explained to me.

"Oh," I said.

"The moving truck is gonna swing by tomorrow at 13:00. I'll stop by at 14:00 to help you unpack!" Alice called out her car window.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" Tom yelled back.

"Call if you need anything!" she shouted, and she drove off.

"So, this is your house," I said. Tom walked past me, and opened the door. He kept the door open for me.

"Welcome to my new home!" Tom said. He sounded like a little kid on his birthday. I checked the time on my phone.

7:46 p.m.

"You wanna look around with me? The only things I've seen of this house were the pictures they sent me," Tom said.

We walked around. There was a kitchen, a master bedroom, a guest bedroom, dinning room, the regular things you would find in a house.

"I might turn the guest bedroom into an office, that'd be sick," Tom rambled.

"Yeah," I mumbled. It was all setting in looking at his house. As soon as I leave England, I won't  be able to see Tom in person for a while.

I felt Tom's warm hands grab my face. He made me look him in the eyes. He brushed his soft lips against mine.

He pulled back, and stared at my eyes once again. He didn't say anything. He just stood there, observing me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, as I draped my hands around his neck.

"Guess what?" he whispered to me.

"What?" I whispered back to him.

"After I get officially moved in, we have a whole week to ourselves,"

"But what about after this week?" I asked him.

"What about it?" he asked back.

"We won't get to see each other," I whispered. I choked on my own words half way through my sentence.

"We'll just have to wait till Minecon. That's the first week of September," he said.

"Yeah, but-"

Tom kissed me once more.

"Don't worry about it, baby, we'll be okay," he whispered in my ear. He kissed my neck, and sucked on my collarbone.

Since Tom's bed would be arriving tomorrow, we crashed on the couch that came with his home purchase.

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