Chapter 13

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Tom's POV

I opened the door for Jordan, and followed him in.

"Hey dudes-" I looked over and saw Tucker and Sonjia making out on the couch.
"Shit! Sorry!" I said, leading Jordan to my room quickly.

"WHAT THE-" I heard Sonjia start to say. I shut the door, so we didn't have to hear her yell at us.

"...oops," Jordan said, giggling.

"We could play some CS:GO if you want," I told him, setting up my xbox. Then we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

"Hey guys, sorry about that..." Tucker said, shutting the door behind him.

"Nah man, you're good," Jordan told him.

"I thought you guys were gonna be out for a while..." Tucker said.

"We were but-" Jordan started.

"WE GOT PULLED OVER!" I cut him off. "It was actually pretty sick! We didn't get a ticket or anything, just a warning, but still it was sick!"

"..yeah," Jordan mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. His face turned a bright firetruck-red color.

"Oh okay," Tucker said.

"We decided to come home and play some video games," I explained to him.

"Oh okay, well Sonjia and I are gonna be in our room, so feel free to turn your game volume up all the way.. And uh, be sure to knock," Tucker said.

"Sounds good," I said, handing Jordan a game controller.

"Okay, see you guys later," Tucker told us, exiting my room.

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