Chapter 45

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Tom's POV

"Why are you so happy today?" Tucker asked through TeamSpeak. I couldn't tell him it was because Jordan finally replied to my texts. I made up some stupid lie instead.

"Beacause, I just finished enchanting some armor. Got some sick enchants," I said.

"Hello there," James chimed in.

"Hey Wag," Tucker said.

"Hello Wagglington," I said. Luckily, James remembered our night out just as well as I did. I asked Dec if he'd keep the part about Jordan and I being a couple a secret, and he stayed true to his word.

"So, I made this new spell. I need a test subject," James said.

"I'm open, you can come fly to me," Tucker said.

"Where are you at?" James asked. I continued to click away at my mouse, creating some ritual for Dianite. I made a stupid face in front of my webcam, glancing at the chat every now and then.

"My house, like always," Tucker said.

"Hi!" Sonja squealed.

"Hey!" Tucker exclaimed.

"Okay, so I made my bunnies have sex, and now I have this supper freakin' cute baby bunny. I'm naming him Boris Johnson Jr, in honor of Boris the First. May he rest in pieces," Sonja rambled.

"May who rest in pieces?" Jordan's raspy voice asked.

"Boris," Sonja blurted out.

"You sound tired," Tucker said, blatantly.

"I am," Jordan yawned.

"Why is my child so tired? Go to bed earlier," Sonja scolded.

"Long work nights, I'm not used to it yet," Jordan said, before typing on his god-awful, loud keyboard.

"Working on what?" I asked.

"Music," Jordan mumbled. I missed hearing his voice, we've barley even texted these past two weeks. He just started texting me again today.

I looked down at my phone. Jordan had just texted me.

Jordan: I'm also tired cause I'm taking these new meds. For my OCD, just like you asked. They kinda make me tired, and sad...

Tom: I'm sorry baby... Can we Skype tonight?

Jordan: I'll see. Hanging out with Ro.

Tom: Oh, okay

Jordan: I'll see if I can cancel.

"So how many hearts did that deal?" James asked.

"Two, so not that many..." Tucker said, nonchalantly.

I continued to drag and drop things into my inventory, when Jordan's character flew up to me. I watched as the boxy  man dropped a pixelated flower at my feet.

As I collected it in my inventory, I read the poppy's name.

'I'm Sorry.'

WOAH, 1k reads? HOLY GUACAMOLE, MAN! I can not thank you guys enough, it's amazing to me that people actually want to read my writing. (which is absolute garbage 😂) Thank you guys again, and maybe for a 1k read special, I can do a Q/A? Submit your questions, and if there are enough, I might make a short Q/A chapter! Love you all! Bye for now my little tacos!

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