Chapter 41

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Tom's POV

"Can you even afford it?" I asked, staring into my computer screen.

"Of course, the cost isn't a big deal. It's big enough that you can move in with me! It has, like, five bedrooms, your whole family could move in too!" Jordan beamed, his brown eyes pixelated behind the glass computer screen.

"Jordan..." I mumbled, minimizing my Skype tab. I pulled up the house he was talking about, searching through the Google images.

"It'd be so much fun! And it'd all work out! Ohmigosh! Imagine having Sonja and Tucker move in, and we could be Mianite roommates. It'd make the real life videos much easier, and-" Jordan rambled, bouncing around the room.

"Jordan..." I said again, trying to catch his attention. His plan wouldn't work. I just moved into this house, and if I wanted to move into the U.S., I'd have to become a citizen, and it'd all just be too hard.

"We could get a dog! I could ask Mark where he adopted Chica, cause she's a sweetheart, and then we could..." Jordan's voice trailed off. "Hang on, Dan is calling me," he mummbled, reaching towards his nightstand.

I searched my mind, trying to remember who Dan was, but then it hit me. The whole entire Starbomb album, and they needed Jordan for it.

"Yeah sure, I'll be right over," Jordan muttered into his phone. I watched him scurry away from his bed, shuffling around. I heard his keys jingle, and watched as he slipped on his leather jacket.

"Jordan?" I asked, watching him lean over his computer. He simply smiled and waved, before ending the call. I stared into the blank screen, my mouth hanging open in awe.

A message popped up in the Skype chat.

'Be back in a few.'

I silently got up from my desk, shutting my laptop lid. I could feel my ears heat up. Watery tears blurred my vision.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I shouted to my self. My chest lifted and fell with every sharp breath I took. It's barley been one day and I already missed him.

I didn't only miss him. I missed the smell of his cologne when he would snuggle with me on the couch. I missed resting my head on his fluffy hair. I missed linking his fingers with mine. I missed seeing his chocolate brown eyes first thing in the morning.

I wouldn't survive one week without him.

I paced around my bedroom, wiping away hot tears.

My phone screen lit up. I scurried over to it, hoping to see Jordan's name, but it wasn't there. Instead it was a stupid message notification.

James: Hey man, wanna go out for a drink?

A drink would help right now. Why not?

Tom: Yeah, meet you there?

James: I'll come pick you up

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