Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV

Although my plans to come out to Tom were ruined, I still got to spend the whole day with him, even if it was spent looking at apartments the whole time. I was actually looking forward to helping him move in at England, cause hopefully I will have come out to him by that time. Who knows, maybe I could spend a few days in England with him.

Wait, I'm getting a little too far ahead of myself, I haven't even come out to him yet. After Tom left to go back home, I quickly started streaming, cause the stream was still on. I tweeted that the stream was up, and got on the server.

"Hello, anyone home?"

"Yeah, I thought you weren't getting on today?" Tucker asked.

"Yeah, I thought so too," I told him.

"What were you doing? I know Tom went out for groceries, where were you?" he asked.

"Um, a Game Dev meeting for Fortress Fury," I lied.

"Oh sweet, what'd you do?" he asked. Why was he asking so many questions?

"That's confidential," I told him.

"Oh, okay," he laughed at me. He went on to tell me how Mianite had come on and gave him some sort of overpowered bow.

"That's neat," I told him. I tried to pay attention, but Tom never told me if he made it home okay.

"Yeah, I tried it out on Sonja, and it one-shot her. I'm so excited to use this during the purge," he explained. I was totally zoned out. I usually never get on my phone during a stream, but I had to make sure Tom was okay. I picked it up and texted him.

Jordan: Hey, did you make it home okay?

"Jordan, helloooo??"

"Huh?" I asked. I looked over to my chat.

Who ya texting Jordan?
Oooo, jardon is texting his gf!

"Oh, uh sorry bout that.." I said.

"No you're good, anyways...." Tucker went on and on about his bow, but I still couldn't pay attention.

Tom: Made it home. Thanks again Jordan.

Perfect Imperfections  ✧ SyndisparklezWhere stories live. Discover now