Chapter 8

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Jordan's POV

It's been a week since Tom came out to me, and I've been thinking about him, about us, ever since. I've read more fanfictions, and even watched some of those cheesy ship videos on youtube. After I read every fanfic and watched every video, I just went to Tom's channel and binge-watched his videos.

I still haven't come out to him, and he hasn't come out to anyone else that I know of. We haven't talked for a while, we've only talked on TeamSpeak. That wasn't enough, I wanted to see him.

I picked up my phone and texted him.

Jordan: Hey, wanna go out to lunch or something after the stream today?
Tom: I was just about to text you. Um, can we maybe go out to lunch now... I wanted to talk to you.
Jordan: Yeah sure, everything okay?

He didn't respond.

I posted on twitter I wouldn't be streaming, and checked back on the text.

Still no response.

Jordan: Tom?
Tom: I'm coming over, be there in 10 minutes.

I threw my phone on my couch and ran to my bedroom to change out of my old green shorts and black shirt for a clean, unique pair of more green shorts and a black t-shirt.

I watched a quick youtube video, and heard a knock at my door.

I ran over to it, I knew exactly how I'd do it. I'd drive us to lunch, we'd eat outside, away from everyone else, and I'd come out to him.

I opened the door.

Tom's dark eyes were red and full of tears.

"Tom, what's wrong?" I asked him.

He grabbed me, holding on tight, and started to sob into my shoulder. I didn't what to do. I shut the door, and wrapped my arms around him.

He cried violently, his body shook in my arms. Loud cries escaped his lips. I began to rub his back, in an attempt to calm him down.

"Tom?" I pulled him off of me, and held his chin so he'd look me in the eyes. I was a little bit shorter than him, so it felt a little awkward, but I'm sure he was too upset to notice. "What's wrong?" I asked him softly.

"I-I told my d-dad."

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