An End Marks A New Beginning

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Hey friends!

I've thought pretty hard about this, but I've decided to end this book. HOWEVER, that does not mean this is the last we hear from these characters.

(I know, I ended it on a cliffhanger, I'm sorry😩)

I am currently writing the sequel to this book, and I'll be releasing it very soon.

While you're waiting for the sequel to release, you can check out my other SyndiSparklez book, "Tranquility."

I'll publish an update to this chapter when the sequel is out, and I'll also post an update on my account, so be sure to follow my account if you haven't already.

I just want to thank you guys again for all the support you've been giving me. I appreciate it so much, all of you inspire me to write.

See you soon, tacos!

UPDATE: The Perfect Imperfections Sequel is out, and it's perfectly demented 😉

UPDATE 2: Hey Tacos, quick note.

The WattPad Fanfiction Award nominations are currently open, and I attempted a backflip when some of you nominated me for some of my books. I think that's so awesome that you like my writing, and your support motivated me to write in the first place! Thank you all so much, and I appreciate all the awesome support you've been giving me.

If you'd like to nominate me, feel free to do so!
Here is the link to the nomination book ->
There will be instructions in that book on how to vote.

Thanks again for all the support!

Perfect Imperfections  ✧ SyndisparklezWhere stories live. Discover now