Chapter 47

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Tom's POV

I practically jumped up and down, holding my sign. This was the week of Minecon, so Sonja, Tucker, and Jordan were coming up to England.

I watched excitedly as a large group of people shuffled out of the luggage pick-up area. I stood on my tip-toes, searching for my friends. I watched a tired Tucker lead Sonja out into the open. I watched his eyes light up as he read my sign. They quickly scurried over to me, saying their hellos.

"Where's Jordan?" I asked.

"I don't know, he was right behind me. What happened to your hair?" Tucker asked, before searching for Jordan.

"Not important," I said, ignoring his question.

Finally I saw a dork wearing green shorts. No one else on the Earth wears green shorts casually.

Jordan strolled over to us, giving me a hug.

Sonja, Tucker, Jordan and I began to walk out the door, when I felt a tug at my shoulder.

"Tom! The whole gang is here," James said.

"Oh, hey!" I exclaimed. I invited him to tag along, despite how nervous Jordan was acting.

I decided to let the gang stay at my place, due to the fact I have a guest bedroom, and I know Jordan wouldn't mind sharing a room.

Sonja and Tucker rambled about how excited they were for the convention, while Jordan and James had a hushed coversation.

They seemed to be getting along, so I wasn't very worried.


Sonja and Tucker hopped out of the car, running into the house. James helped them cary their luggage, leaving some time alone for Jordan and I.

I dragged him by his hand, leading him behind the car.

I quickly grabbed the back of his neck, desperately pulling him in for a kiss. We were quickly melted into each other's embrace, fighting the need to gasp for air.

I reluctantly pulled away, taking a deep breath.

"I missed you," Jordan muttered.

"I can tell," I said, grabbing his luggage for him. I shut the trunk, walking up the path leading to my front door.

"I learned something today. When were you going to tell me James was gay?" Jordan casually blurted out. I stopped in my tracks, my jaw dragging on the ground in awe.


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