Chapter 4

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Jordan's POV

"Oh," I was shocked. In a good way. This was great news, maybe we had a chance. Maybe we could... Wait. Should I tell him too? No, it's too soon.

I looked up to see Tom's teary eyes. Why was he about to cry?

"Tom what happened?" I asked. What did I do wrong?

"Do you hate me?" he sobbed.

"No of course not!" I grabbed his hand. I figured I should've pulled away, but it was too late now, our fingers were already linked together.

"Why would I hate you?" I asked him.

"B-because I thought you wouldn't see me as a f-friend anymore and.. and... I don't know, I just,"

I wanted to grab his face and kiss him to shut him up, but I couldn't do that.

"No Tom, I'm glad you told me," I reassured him. I should've told him. He wouldn't have started crying. I gave him a hug instead.

"Okay," he said, his voice more steady now. "I'm glad I told you too," he said to me.

I turned off the T.V. and grabbed Tom and I a blanket from Tucker's cabinet.
"We should probably crash here for the night. We've had too much to drink," I told him.

"Okay," He took the blanket and sprawled out on the couch. I wanted so badly to cuddle with him, but I crawled onto the floor instead.

"Jordan?" I heard him whisper to me.


"Our secret, right?"

"Right," I reached up and grabbed his hand, and swiftly fell alsleep.

Perfect Imperfections  ✧ SyndisparklezWhere stories live. Discover now