Chapter 49

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Tom's POV

"So, how long have you guys been dating?" James asked, taking another sip of his drink.

"Maybe, two months now... Jordan knows all the nitty gritty," I explained.

"That's neat... Didn't Jordan have a thing with Ro for a while though?"


"Yeah, two weeks ago, they were hanging out a lot. You even responded to one of his tweets. About Ro's dog," James explained.

"I didn't know that was her dog..." I said, through gritted teeth. Why am I jealous right now? Jordan is gay. Really gay. Right?

People can be bisexual. I forget that sometimes.

But Jordan's not, and he wouldn't cheat on me. He's not like that.

Is shook the subject off my shoulders, focusing on James.

"Well, Jordan told me about your news. When were you gonna tell me that, exactly?" I asked.

"What news?"

"Your sexuality," I said, brushing a stray hair out of my face.

"Oh, yeah. That old thing. I just thought Jordan was the most accepting person. I thought he would understand, even if my plan of coming out wasn't all that great," James explained.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Just, listened to my heart..."

"And your heart said?" I asked, taking a drink out of my cup. Whoever mixed this put way too much whiskey in.

"My heart told me I had a crush on a boy. No big deal, really," he said, nonchalantly.

"Who?" I asked, leaning in.

"Well, it's-"

"Woooo, hey babyyyy," Jordan wrapped his arms around me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. The smell of hard liquor hit my nose like a freight train.

"You've been drinking," I whispered.

"Well, duuhhhhhh" he said, kissing my neck softly.

Sonja joined in on the hug.

"You guys are fucking adorable, I'm so fucking glad you came out. Dude, do you think Tucker'd be down for a foursome?" she asked, slurring her words.

"I don't think I'm down with a foursome..." I mumbled, staring at James for help. I had two drunk children climbing all over me. Well, one was attacking me with kisses, the other was just being annoying.

"Where is Tucker?" James asked, standing up from his chair, peering over the crowd in the bar.

"I don't know, prolly with Dec," Sonja said, scrolling through her phone.

"We should go home, James, will you help me find Tucker?" I asked, pulling at my pants. Due to Jordan's nonstop kissing and grinding, my skinny jeans have become even tighter.

"Yeah, he can't be that hard to find."


Hey friends! Hope you're enjoying this book, but I have some pretty neat news! I'm writing a new SyndiSparklez fanfiction called "Tranquility." The first chapter is out right now, so be sure to check it out! Don't worry, this book will continue! 
Here is the link to the new book ➥

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