Chapter 51

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Tom's POV

I held Jordan's body close to mine. James let go of the restaurant's door as we passed through it. I could tell the jet lag was catching up to Jordan, based on the large bags under his eyes.

When I pointed them out this morning, he simply said they were his "Gucci carry on designer bags."

I climbed into my car, helping Jordan climb into the passenger's side. James had tagged along with us, so he carefully climbed into the back seat. I pulled Jordan's hand into my lap, stroking his fingers with the side of my thumb.

I watched his head fall limp, as he drifted quietly to sleep.

"Tom?" I heard James whisper.


"Are you happy?"

I wasn't expecting that question.

"Where did that come from?" I asked, laughing nervously.

"I don't know," James said, laughing along with me. "Just wondered. Like, you guys are so brave to come out to your fans, and that one guy immediately just yelled at you... I don't think I could do it."

"Well, you've already told Jordan, Sonja, Tucker, and I," I said, comforting him.

"That's true..." he mumbled.

"You were telling me at the bar you knew cause you had a crush on someone, but you didn't tell me who it was. Spill," I said, following Sonja and Tucker's car onto the highway.

"Oh, it was no one important," he muttered, staring out the window.

I looked back at him through the rear-view mirror. I didn't really know what to say. He obviously didn't want to talk about it, so I might as well leave him alone.

I glanced over at my sleeping baby. He was so perfect. His green shorts were lifted up, revealing his coarse, broken skin. I hated that he did that. I hated that he felt that his only escape from the obsessive thoughts in his head, was a stupid piece of metal.

I carefully lifted his hand over to his lap, as I carefully traced over the scars. Jordan didn't even like me looking at his thighs while he was awake, he surely wouldn't let me touch them like this.

I remembered this is what started our relationship though. This caused that kiss, and his pass out, and... It started everything.

It's crazy to think that Jordan thought he was ending something, when really, he was only starting it.

He thought he was ending his OCD, his anger, his depression... His life.

When in reality, he began our relationship, our coming out, James' coming out... He started everything, in a good way.

My fingers continued to mindlessly dance over his beige flesh.

I pulled into my driveway, carefully carrying Jordan inside. I lifted his sleeping body onto the bed, tucking him into the white sheets. I planted a soft kiss on his forehead, before returning to my living room to watch a movie with James.

I fumbled with the buttons on the remote, listening to Sonja and Tucker lock their door upstairs.

"It was you."

"What was me?" I asked, distracted by the fluorescent screen.

James' cold lips slammed into mine. I pushed my palms against his chest.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I yelled.

He quickly covered my mouth with his sweaty hand, blocking any noise from escaping past my lips.

"JORDAN!" I screamed, kicking at the air, clawing at James' arms as hard as I could. I felt a warm liquid trickle down the tips of my fingers as I scratched him harder.

He yelped out in pain, tightening his grip around my body. I bit down on the knuckle closest to my teeth. I didn't release my bite, until a bitter, iron taste flooded my mouth.

James finally released his hand. I quickly turned around, ready to jerk my knee into his groin.

My plans were ruined when a pale fist connected with my jaw.

My vision blurred, as my body toppled to the ground. I watched as another fist was being thrown at my face.

I lifted my arms, in an attempt to block the blow.

It didn't help.

White pin-pricks dotted around the air. The room started spinning, as I let my head fall onto the wooden floorboards.

"I love you, Tom."

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