Chapter 17

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(Slight Trigger Warning)

Tom's POV

Mark turned on a movie, and we were all invested in it. Chica had found Jordan and I's laps to be very comfortable. I stroked her back. I liked her much more then Grizzwald.

I looked around the room. Holly was cuddled up against Ross, and Suzy was sleeping on Arin. I saw Sonja and Tucker cuddled just like Suzy and Arin, with Tucker's hands wrapped around Sonja's waist, and Sonja sitting in between his legs, with Tucker out cold.

Ryan and Matt had called it a night, and headed upstairs about an hour ago. Jordan and I had moved to the couch Mark was on a while ago to give Suzy, Arin, and Dan more space. Dan slept by himself, his head tilted uncomfortably to one side. Barry and Kevin sat on the floor, playing a quiet game of battle ship. Kevin had a cup of coffee next to him, and Barry was wide awake. He explained to me earlier he was an editor, so I assumed he was used to late nights.

Mark had his legs resting on the couch's footrest, and next to him sat Jordan and I. I liked this set up. With about half of us asleep, and the other half of us kind of doing our own thing. I had gotten bored with the movie about fifteen minutes ago. It was all the same thing, explosions, running, shooting, and more explosions. Maybe a kissing scene here and there.

Instead of watching the movie, I watched the other people in the room. You'd be surprised how much you learn about other people by watching them.

I learned how Holly and Ross were the exact opposite of Suzy and Arin, yet somehow they were the same in their own weird ways.

I noticed how Barry and Kevin were so silent, yet they knew how to communicate without saying a word. I noticed how Tucker would keep his arms wrapped around Sonja, protecting her, even in his sleep.

I noticed how Mark's foot would twitch every time a loud noise would play on the movie.

One thing that I noticed that stood out above all, were the scars that lined Jordan's thighs. I noticed how whenever a gory scene with lots of blood on the screen would play, he wouldn't move, even though he would fidget at a tiny, harmless spider. I noticed how he would continue to stroke Chica's head, even when his eyes would begin to close. I noticed how Jordan would jerk himself awake, just to continue watching this shitty movie.

As soon as Barry and Kevin asked Mark if they could crash in his guest bedroom, and as soon as everyone besides Mark, Jordan and I had fallen asleep, I tapped Chica so she would hop off our laps. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and handed Jordan his phone. Mark hadn't noticed anything yet. I quickly typed to Jordan.

Tom: Meet me in the bathroom. If Mark asks, we're getting pizza.
Jordan: Why?
Tom: Just do it.
Jordan: But why?

I threw my phone down, and silently lifted myself off the couch. I walked to the bathroom, and waited.

And waited.

Where was Jordan?

Finally the door opened.

"What's up?" Jordan whispered to me. He shut the door behind him so the bright light didn't seep into the rest of the dark house.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"Do what? Wait so long? I did it so Mark wouldn't question anythin-"

"No, that," I said again, pointing to his green shorts.

"W-what are you talking about?" Jordan stuttered. His face became red. I could feel my face twist.

"TELL ME!" I yelled. I was surprised at my own voice. It was hard and cold. Jordan flinched at my words. I watched his brown eyes fill with tears.

"T-tom I'm sor-ry I c-can explain, i-it was s-stupid and.. a-and I-"

I held him and pushed him against the bathroom wall. I grabbed his cheeks. His scruff scratched the palms of my hands. I leaned in, and kissed him.

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