Chapter 24

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Jordan's POV

Tom shut the door, and looked directly into my eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"What do you mean, what?" he asked. He was really wasted.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked. I had only had two beers, so I was very awake.

"Because you're sexy as fuck," Tom said. He walked over and kissed me. I wasn't expecting it, but I let him continue. I figured he was in the mood when he kept stroking my thigh in the car.

Our lips moved in sync, and I could feel him grip onto my shirt. He pushed me against his wall, and kissed my neck.

"..Tom," I groaned. He stopped kissing me.

"What?" He asked, bitting his lip.

"Shouldn't we lock the door? We don't want any intruders.." I said, watching him bite his lip.

I could feel him wrap his arms around my butt.

"Jump," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Just do it, it'll be fun," he said.

I did as he said, and jumped up. He caught me, and I wrapped my legs around him. I started laughing, as he kissed me and walked to the door. He locked the door with one hand, and continued to carry me to his bed.

He flopped me down onto his bed and climbed over the top of me. He pulled my shirt over my head, and just stopped. I watched him as he traced his fingers over my chest.

"Tom?" I asked him.

"How are you so god damn good looking?" he asked. I giggled at him.

"I don't know," I told him through my giggles. That made me feel good. If Tom thinks I'm handsome, then I must be pretty handsome, right? I mean, look at him. How could he compare myself to him, and think I'm the handsome one?

I leaned up and kissed him. I started to pull his shirt off, and bit his lower lip softly. He looked at me surprised. I threw his shirt onto the ground, and ran my fingers through his hair. He pushed my arms above my head, and began to kiss my neck and collarbone. He stopped every once and a while to return to my lips.

His fingers lingered on my sides. I used one hand to run my fingers through Tom's hair, and used the other to dig my fingers into his back.

"Tom?" I groaned.

"Yeah baby?" he asked. The way his raspy voice had called me baby, made me melt under him.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked him. I hated to ruin the moment, but I wanted to be safe.

Tom quickly gave me a kiss on the lips and hopped off the bed.

He searched his side draws, and any other nook and cranny in his room. He grabbed his wallet, and searched through it.

"Fuck me!" Tom said to himself.

"I'd like to," I replied, sarcastically.

"Maybe Tucker has one we could use,"

"No, then he'd know something is up," I said quickly.

"Oh, yeah," Tom said.

"Can we just wait? I promise you this'll happen again," I told him, with a wink.

"Okay, okay. But just to warn you, the next time this does happen, I'm going to punish you for teasing me," he said.

"Punish me?" I asked.

He leaned down and kissed me. I bit his bottom lip again, because he seemed to enjoy it when I did that. I could feel him unbuttoning my jeans, and he slipped them off of me.

His fingers lingered on the elastic of my boxers. He slipped his pants off to, and plopped down to the right of me on the bed.

We snuggled under the covers, and turned off our lamps. I turned on my side, and cuddled under Tom's arm, swiftly falling asleep.

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