Chapter 5

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Tom's POV

"RISE AND SHINE!" I felt a Nerf dart pelt me in the forehead.

"Jesus Christ, Tucker.." I heard Jordan mumble.

Sonja pulled the blanket off of me. What the fuck happened last night?


"Ow..." I looked over to see Jordan, rubbing his head.

"What happened?" Sonja giggled.

"I just hit my head on your damn coffee table," Jordan said.

"Why the fuck are you on the floor?" I asked him.

"Jesus, you really got hammered last night, didn't you?" Tucker teased me.

"How many drinks did you have?" Sonja asked.

"I stopped counting after four..." I said.

"So you don't remember anything from last night?" Jordan asked me.

"Not really... I'm sure I'll remember later," I said. I got up and wobbled to the bathroom.

"Don't get sick!" I could hear Tucker call after me.

I shut the door and looked into the mirror. My hair was in every direction, and my eyes were bloodshot.

"Was I fucking crying last night?" I said to myself. I heard a knock at the door.

"Tom? Are you okay in there buddy?" I could hear Sonja giggle at me.

"Guys, come on, leave him alone... Tom?" I heard Jordan say.

"Yep, I'm good..." I said back to him. He really does care for me, that's kinda cute.

"On a scale from one to fucked up, how hungover are you?" Tucker called.

"I would say I'm semi-fucked," I said.

"Will you be able to stream the purge today?" Sonja asked.

"Fuck yeah, I'm not missing that for the world," I said. I opened the bathroom door. Sonja, Tucker, and Jordan were all crowding the doorway.

"Damn, you are pretty fucked..." Sonja said.

"Wanna go out to breakfast before the stream?" Tucker asked us.

"I'm down," I said.

"I call shotgun!" Sonja said, running to Tucker's car.

"Wanna drive you and Tom, and we'll meet you at Village Inn?" Tucker asked Jordan.

"Sure, come on Tom," Jordan said, grabbing his keys.

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