Chapter 25

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Tom's POV

I woke up with Jordan snuggled under my arm. My head was pounding. I wanted to get a glass of water, but I didn't want to move. I vaguely remembered my night with Jordan.

I ran my fingers through his hair. I watched how his chest moved up and down and up and back down again. His fingers twitched. I knew he had to be dreaming. I let my fingers linger against his bare back.

I could hear Tucker and Sonja talking in the hallway. I forgot Tucker and Sonja were just across the hall.

"Good morning," I heard Jordan's soft voice croak.

"Good morning. Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Mhmm," he closed his eyes and slimed.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead. I grabbed some pajama bottoms for both Jordan and I.

"Why do I have to put pants on?" Jordan whined.

"So Tucker and Sonja don't suspect anything," I told him.

"Oh," I could hear the disappointment in his voice. I wanted so badly to just snuggle and cling onto him all day like a little monkey, but we were both so secretive. No one knew about us, and the only person who knew we were both gay was Mark.

"Maybe we should tell them," I said to Jordan.

"Are you still drunk? That's a terrible idea!" he whispered to me.

"They're our friends, they could never be mad at us. For anything," I explained to him.

"B-but then word will get out, an-d people will hate us. Hate me!" he began to ramble on excuses. I watched as his eyes slightly filled with tears. I didn't want him to have another panic attack. I quickly sat by his side, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Shh, it's okay. We can tell them when you're ready," I told him, running my fingers through his dark hair.



"Yo, what's up?" I called back. Jordan got very quiet, and slipped on the pajama pants I gotten for him.

"Sonja and I made breakfast if you guys wanna come eat," I heard Tucker say through the door. I watched the doorknob jiggle a few times.

"Hey, is your door jammed?" Tucker asked.

"No, I locked it, we didn't want another Nerf Gun attack," I lied to him. I heard Tucker laugh, as I slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms myself. I pulled on my Syndicate Project shirt, and Jordan slipped his black shirt over his head.

"Good thinking," Tucker called back.

"We'll be down in a few," I told him.

"I was too quiet, he's gonna know something's wrong, he's gonna-" Jordan began to pace the room. I quickly grabbed his face and stared deep into his chocolate eyes.

"You're fine, we'll be okay," I said to him, calmly. I could hear him exhale deeply.

"Okay," he said. He followed me out of my room and into the kitchen.

Tucker and Sonja were sitting together, eating their waffles and eggs.

"'Morning guys," Tucker said.

"Goodmorning!" Sonja said, with a smile.

"Goodmorning," I replied to them.

"Hi," Jordan said. We sat down and quickly ate.

Jordan left to start his stream. I wanted to go with him.

But I couldn't.

It'd be too obvious.

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