Chapter 31

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Tom's POV

"What the hell could she want? Doesn't she know?" Alice peeked over my shoulder at my text messages.

"I don't know.." I mumbled, thinking of a response.

"Tom," Alice said.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"You have told her, haven't you?" Alice asked me. It didn't matter if I told her. Why would it matter if I told her?

"No, why? What would happen if I haven't told her yet?" I asked.

"Oh ballocks. Of course you wouldn't let your ex know you're gay," Alice got up and paced the living room.

"Why would she need to know?" I asked.

"Know what?" Jordan burst through the door. He held our Subway in his hand. He was sweaty and his face was red, it must've been hot outside.

"Nothing important," I said. Alice shot a look at me. I just shook my head at her. I locked my phone so Jordan couldn't see my text messages.

"Tom is texting Kate!" Alice blurted out.

"I don't know who that is," Jordan said.

"No one important," I hissed at Alice.

"It's his ex girlfriend," Alice told Jordan.

"Oh," Jordan quietly said. He looked a little hurt. His eyes quickly darted to the floor. I watched as he shuffled to the kitchen.

"Stay," I demanded to Alice. I followed Jordan into the kitchen, but of course Alice followed behind me.

"Come here, let me show you," I grabbed Jordan, and made him look at my phone. Might as well show him, now that he knows who Kate was.

I handed him my phone, and watched him read over the messages.

He pointed at the contact name. "I'm assuming 'Bitch' is Kate?" Jordan asked me.

"Bingo," I told him.

Bitch: Hey Tom, heard you were back in town.
Tom: yeah.
Bitch: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.
Tom: why?
Bitch: Because, I was thinking the other day..
Tom: K
Bitch: I was thinking about us, and I miss you.
Tom: k?

Jordan started laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"You're kind of a savage," Jordan giggled.

Bitch: Do you miss me? We could meet tonight;)
Tom: no thanks, I'm spending the night with someone else
Bitch: Who?
Tom: None of your business who. Stop texting me.

"Oh, that's where I took over!" Alice said, reading over my shoulder.

Bitch: Tom? This isn't you is it?
Tom: No, it's his boyfriend, so leave him alone. Thanks.

"I pretended to be you, hope you don't mind," Alice said.

"No, you're good," Jordan said. I could see his face get redder than it already was.

Alice grabbed her sandwich and began eating, "I could be an actress, I'm so good," Alice bragged.

Tom: Yeah, he isn't interested in you anymore. Goodbye.
Tom: Kate, calm down okay? This is my life, I'm not hanging out with
           you. Goodbye.
Bitch: Tom, we need to fucking talk.
Tom: No, we don't. Stop texting me or I'm blocking your number.
Bitch: I'm coming over there.
Bitch: Tom answer me.
Bitch: TOM

I looked over at Jordan. His breathing was heavy. His eyes were filled with tears. Something was wrong.

"What, what's wrong, I'm not meeting her Jordan I-"

"What if she puts this on twitter?" he asked me.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. She had followers, lots of them. Some of my subscribers were still following her. If she puts it on twitter people will know I'm gay, and I have a boyfriend.

"S-she's not going to. She won't," I tried to reassure Jordan.

"I didn't give her your name, Jordan. If she puts it on twitter, the only person exposed is Tom," Alice tried to help the situation.

"Not helping," I mumbled to her, but she actually was. Jordan started to chuckle at her, as he wiped away his tears.

"I don't see why you guys won't just tell everybody at once. Your friends, fans, everybody. It'd be easier," Alice said.

"How would we do that?" Jordan asked her.

"I don't know. Do it somewhere where all your fans will be," Alice said through a mouth-full of food. Jordan shrugged off her suggestion, but it was a legit idea. I just didn't know where to do it. Or how I would convince Jordan to be on board with the idea.

It wasn't something we had to worry about right now, we ate our sandwiches, and Alice left. It was just Jordan and I, and my new furniture.

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