Chapter 36

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Jordan's POV 

I lifted my head off the pillow. Tom and I watched more movies yesterday, and luckily, I had no more nightmares.

Tom was cuddled behind me. I looked down to see I was still wearing what I wore yesterday.

I turned around to face Tom. I looked at him sleeping.

He told me he loved me yesterday. Tom Cassel loves me.

I heard his phone buzz. I checked the screen.

1 New Message From:

Bitch: Tom, listen. I want to say I'm sorry. It was none of my business to post that on Twitter. I just want to talk. Please.

It was almost 10 a.m. I was getting used to England's use of military time.

"Hello cutie," I heard Tom say.

"Goodmorning," I told him. I kissed him, and handed him his phone.

"Ughh, do you want to talk to Kate? We wouldn't be talking here, we would be going out. You're coming," Tom said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess she wants to clear things up," Tom said.

"Okay, sure," I said.

"Then afterwards we can go meet my dad," he said.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Yeah, Alice said she wanted to hang out, and I figured if dad met you, he might change his mind," Tom explained. I watched him type on his phone.

"I mean, yeah we can, if you want," I said. I was nervous. Tom wanted me to meet his dad.

"By the way, what time does your plane leave on Thursday?" Tom asked. I forgot I'd be leaving in two days, not counting today of course.

"Oh, um... around noon," I said. I didn't want to leave yet. Two days wasn't enough time.

"Well, I'm sure there are many friends who'd like to see you, we could do that today," Tom said.

"Like who?" I asked. No one could possibly be important enough to take time away from my time with Tom.

"Well, Dec, Tom, Phil, Matt, James..." Tom said. He hesitated before saying James' name. I was nervous about meeting James.

"Um, well if the others will be there too, I guess we could all meet up," I suggested. I watched Tom's eyes light up, like a kid's on Christmas.

"Okay, I'll make plans, we could all go out and get drinks and then go bowling or something, that'll be fun!" Tom said, excitedly.

I got up and started getting ready. I slipped on a pair of Tom's jeans, and put on one of my black shirts.

Tom hoped up and got ready quickly.

"First stop, meet Kate," Tom said.

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