Chapter 46

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Jordan's POV

I carefully lifted my arm off of Ro's sleeping shoulders, pushing Cookie off my lap. I looked up at the T.V.

Finding Nemo continued to play on the screen, bringing hot tears to my eyes. Finding Nemo was the first movie I watched with Tom...

I quickly wrote a note to Ro, simply saying I 'had to go.'

I opened my car door, sitting in the seat, gripping onto the steering wheel. Emotions flooded over me.

The guilt told me to drive off the side of a cliff, while the love told me to speed home and call Tom.

I listened to the love in my heart, passing the speed limit by 20 miles per hour. The wheels screeched as I pulled into my new garage. I turned the key, entering the large home.

I got on my computer, quickly calling Tom.

No answer.

I called again, looking at the clock.

3:26 a.m.

"Hello?" Tom's grungy voice growled into my ears.

"Hi Tom," I whimpered. I should've never ignored him. I made a mistake.

"Hi baby..." Tom's raspy voice purred.

"Were you asleep?" I asked, sheepishly.

"Yeah, but that's okay," he mumbled, turning on his camera. His shirtless body was surrounded by cloud-like blankets. His electric blue hair stuck out in millions of different directions.

I shot him a weak smile, trying to hide the sadness in my eyes. It must've worked, as I watched his eyes light up with life.

"You excited for MineCon next week? We'll get to see eachother!" Tom squealed.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me," I said, pulling up another tab to purchase my plane tickets.

"So we're doing a Mianite pannel, I've been advertising it like crazy to my homies," Tom explained.

With a click of my mouse, I had purchased the tickets.

"We're all set," I cheered. I returned to Skype, looking into the screen.

Tom's large, brown eyes stared back into mine.

Why would I ever want a beard, when I had someone as perfect as him?

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