Chapter 38

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Jordan's POV

Tom rang the doorbell. I watched him bounce his foot, probably because of nerves.

The door suddenly opened. He looked like a identical version of Tom, but older. Same face shape, same eyes, same nose. Same everything.

"H-hi dad," Tom said quietly.

We all stayed quiet for a while. I could hear Tom's quiet sobs. I watched a single tear roll down Tom's dad's face. He wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly.

I watched Tom's body shake with every sob he let out. I saw Alice step in the door frame, with her camera. She waved at me, and I quietly waved back.

Tom finally let go, and his crying had slowed. He wiped at his face, and motioned for me to come closer.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Jordan," he introduced me.

"Hello Mr. Cassell," I said, offering my hand for a handshake.

He just looked at me. I started to sweat a little bit.

"Are you treating Tom well?" he simply asked me.

"I-I'd like to think so sir," I said awkwardly. Tom and Alice laughed. I really wasn't expecting that question.

"Yeah, he is," Tom said, still laughing.

I was suddenly pulled into a hug.

"Welcome to the family, Jordan," Tom's dad said to me.

"Thank you, Mr. Cassel," I said, relieved.

"Call me Ken," he said.

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