Chapter 43

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Tom's POV

A bright flash shone in my eyes. I looked up at the grinning ginger, snapping a picture on my phone. My head pounded, as I watched him type as fast as he could.

I lifted my arm, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I tried to sit up, but was barricaded by a heavy arm wrapped around my chest. I looked back, discovering the mysterious arm belonged to James. I lifted him off of me, reaching for my phone.

"Aww, so cute," the ginger teased.

"Give me my phone Dec," I demanded, snatching it out of his hands. I looked down, discovering he was texting Jordan.

Tom: Look how wasted your boyfriend got XD

Millions of questions flooded my mind at once

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Millions of questions flooded my mind at once. How did Dec know I was dating Jordan? Why the hell was I snuggling with James? When did Dec even get here? Why the fuck is my hair blue?

"W-what happened last night?" I finally blurted out.

"Well, James and I picked you up, you guys got hammered, I was your designated driver. You're welcome. You told us about the whole twitter incident, and how it wasn't a lie. Then you insisted you got your hair dyed, and then James bought you a lizard. You named him Steeve. With two e's for some reason," Dec explained, as if it was all normal to him.

I ran my fingers through my brand new blue hair.

"Why didn't you try to stop me?" I asked, scrolling through the pictures I took last night. Sure enough, photos of Steeve, James, Dec and I littered my phone.

"Number one rule of being the designated driver. Don't argue with the drunk people, and take plenty of pictures. Makes for good blackmail," Dec said, throwing me a water bottle.

"I look ridiculous!" I practically squealed. Dec laughed at me, assuring me it looked fine.

"You also called Jordan, cause you kept talking about blowing him or something. I don't really remember, but he hung up on you, and you cried. It was funny," Dec said, nonchalantly.

I rubbed my head, already regretting going out last night. I reluctantly looked down at my phone, reading the response from Jordan.

Jordan: Who is this?

Tom: I got my phone back. It's Tom.

Jordan: What the hell happened to you? Who are you with?

Tom: Dec and James, we got hammered last night, I'm sorry.

Jordan: Yeah. Got your call. Thanks for that.

Tom: What?

Jordan: Dan thinks I'm gay now because you explained you wanted to be here to.. wtf Tom

Tom: Jordan I'm sorry.

Tom: Jordan?

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