Chapter 27

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Tom's POV

Friday, August 15th. Exactly three months ago, I arrived to the U.S. to spend the summer here. Jordan walked by my side.

Tucker had said his goodbyes in the parking lot. At least I had Jordan with me to help me move in. I had found a nice house in London, all for myself. By myself. Alone.

I didn't like that word. Alone. I didn't like the feeling of being alone. I'm afraid I'll feel emptiness, and I'll cry tears with no solid meaning. It's not that I'm depressed, cause I'm not sad. But I'm not happy either. I can laugh and joke and smile, but when I'm alone, I forget to feel.

I felt a shake at my shoulder. "Tom? Are you okay?" Jordan asked. He looked worried.

"Yeah, just thinking. I guess I'm not ready to leave yet," I said.

He stopped, and pulled me to the side. He looked me straight in the eyes.

"What Jordan?" I asked him.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yes," I said. But, I wasn't sure.

Jordan linked his arm with mine, and walked me on the plane. We quickly found our seats and sat down. I was pulling out my headphones when I could feel a small tap at my shoulder. I looked over to see a small kid, with a Minecraft shirt on, smiling brightly at Jordan and I.

"Hi," I said. I looked at his bowl haircut, and nudged Jordan.

"H-hi, my n-name is Jon, and I-I'm a big fan, c-can I take a selfie wi-ith you guys?" he asked. He had to be about thirteen years old.

"Of course!" Jordan and I posed for the selfie. We signed the back of his shirt, and he was on his way.

"That was neat," Jordan whispered to me. Yes, it was neat, but it reminded me of something. People who know and recognize us are always around. If we didn't want people finding out we were together, let alone gay, we would have to act normal.

I rubbed my eyes. Jordan was taking a nap. A stewardess walked past me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, still groggy.

"Yes sir?" she replied.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked her.

"It is 4:15 sir, we have 17 minutes till landing," she explained.

"Thank you!" I told her. I looked over at Jordan. He had large bags under his eyes. The large man next to him had his head resting on Jordan's shoulder. I tapped Jordan's hand.

"Hmm?" I heard him moan.

"Looks like you've made a friend there," I told him. Jordan quickly opened his eyes, and politely shifted away from the man's head. He squirmed in his seat.

"How much longer do we have to be on this plane?" he asked me.

"About 17 minutes," I whispered to him.

"Thank god," he said. He collected his headphones and shoved them in his pocket.

After the plane landed, we shuffled off the plane and into the airport.

"So, are we gonna have to call a taxi?" Jordan asked me. We walked towards the luggage pick-up.

"I'm not sure, I never really thought about that," I mumbled.

We headed down the stairs to find a sign that read 'Tom Cassel.' I looked up to see.. Could it be? I could feel my eyes fill with warm tears. I threw my carry-on luggage into Jordan's arms and ran towards her.

Her familiar brown eyes sparkled when she saw me run towards her. She wore a maroon dress with brown boots. Her brown hair was straightened, leading to the gradient blonde at the tips of her hair. She dropped her sign and hugged me tight.

"Hi Tom!" she squealed.

"Hi Alice," I tried to hold back my tears. She waved at Jordan.

"Who's your friend?" she said, suggestively.

"Dad told you?" I asked her. I wished my dad had kept it to himself, but of course, he had to go tell my sister.

"Of course he told me, congratulations!" she said. I was surprised. How could dad have hated me, but she was congratulating me?

"What?" I asked her.

"Dad is being an old fart, he's gonna forgive you, don't worry about it, besides you're his only son," she told me, wiping away at my tears.

"Okay, good. I'm still moving to this place though, it's nice," I told her.

"Well, duh. I can help you move in if you want. I was assuming you need a ride," she said.

"Yeah, please," I saw Jordan struggle over with the three bags of carry-on balanced in his hands.

Alice hurried over and grabbed one of the bags from him.

"Hi," Jordan said.

"Hi, I'm Alice, Tom's sister," Alice told Jordan, extending her hand. Jordan shook it.

"I'm Jordan, nice to meet you," he said. Jordan and Alice walked beside me. We collected our things and went to Alice's car.

I could feel Alice elbow me in the side, as Jordan put our things in the trunk of her car.

"I like his American accent, good choice," she whispered to me.

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