Chapter 37

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Tom's POV

I changed Kate's contact. Apparently she wanted to apologize, which I'm accepting.

1 New Message From:

Kate: I'm waiting at our table. It's a booth.
Tom: Sounds good

"Too bad it's not Wednesday, they serve free pie on Wednesdays," I said to Jordan. He was resting his head against the window. The jet lag must've been kicking in.

"Yeah, then we could get some pie-atnite," Jordan said, tiredly.

I reached over, and placed my hand on his thigh. He looked over at me, and smiled weakly.

I parked in the Village Inn parking lot, and looked at my Jordan. My gorgeous boyfriend. I moved my thumb a little bit.

"You good?" I finally asked.

"Mhmmm," he said. I leaned over the arm rest, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Come on, Kate's waiting," I said. I hopped out of the car and walked into the restaurant. I spotted Kate sitting at a booth by herself.

I sat down, opposite of Kate. I looked down, realizing there were only two menus.

"Who's this?" Kate asked.

"Oh, this is Jordan, my boyfriend," I told her. Jordan sheepishly smiled at her.

"Oh. So you weren't lying to me," Kate said, almost disappointed.

"No, I just wasn't ready to tell my fans yet.." I said.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was drunk and angry," she mumbled.

"Hello, welcome to Village Inn, my name is Mandy, I'll be taking care of you guys, I'll grab you a menu real quick, can I start you off with something to drink?" our waitress asked.

We all ordered water, and she was on her way.

"So, um, Jordan. Where are you from?" Kate asked awkwardly.

"L-L.A. I'm visiting. For a while..." Jordan said. I reached over and grabbed his hand, out of view of Kate.

"That's cool. So what do you do, Jordan?" Kate asked, leaning in. I wasn't really sure what she was doing. She was ignoring me and putting all her attention to my boyfriend. Was I getting jealous?

"Um, I am on Youtube, and I make video games. For apps. And stuff.." Jordan said. I saw his face was getting flushed.

"So Kate," I interrupted, before she could ask another question. "How have you been lately?"

"Good, good. Just trying to keep my channel alive, you know how it is," she said.

"Are you going to Minecon in September?" Jordan asked.

"Oh, you play that game too, huh? Yeah, that game just isn't my thing, ya know? More into CSGO, stuff like that," she explained.

Jordan and I ate as quickly as we possibly could, said our goodbyes, and were on our way.

"Next stop, your dad's house. Right?" Jordan asked me.

"Uh, yeah," I said. I was getting nervous. I didn't really think this through. Alice knew I'd be coming, but my dad didn't. He probably didn't even want to see me.

I turned the radio up, I didn't really want to talk right now. We listened for a while, till Jordan got a call. He reached over and shut it off.

"Hello? Yeah, hey Dan! I'm in England right now, why? Seriously? I'd love too! Yeah, just text me when you'd like to talk about it, and I'll clear my schedule. Okay, thanks! Bye," Jordan said into his phone.

He looked over at me, beaming.

"What?" I asked.

"AHHHHHHH! SUCH EXCITE!" he squealed like a little girl.

"You're acting like Sonja right now, what's happening?" I asked.

"So you know how I posted that vlog of myself saying how I'm interested in making music and I'm obsessed with it and what not?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well, Dan and Arin are in a band called Starbomb, and they asked if I maybe wanted to help out with their next album!" he said, excitedly. I wanted to be excited for him, but I was too nervous.

"That's great!" I said, forcing a smile.

Jordan rambled on about how excited he was for the album the rest of the ride. Meanwhile, I wanted to pull over, and puke.

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