I couldn't lie anymore...

851 15 1

"What are you doing here Bells?"

"I uh-I..."

"Tell me now."


shit shit shit shit!!!!!

well tell him.

the why you are here part that is.

okay that will work

"I got a job here."

"Well you must know that we are headlining the tour."

"No I obviously don't or else I wouldn't have taken the job."

"You mean you were going to go our whole life without seeing us again."




"Because why Bella? Why?!"

"I did it to protect all of you!


"She was coming. and she was going to ruin all of you."




"The person who called herself my mother."

"Why we could have taken her on."

"No you couldn't have. She can manipulate anyone and wrap them around her finger. So me and Matt ran and started our own lives. and we are fine we have money and a great home. And she can never find us."

"Then why didn't you come back?"

"Didn't you read my journal, i left it for you to read and understand."

"I didn't touch it, it didn't seem right."

"Well you should have, but I guess its too late now."

"Yeah....I have missed you big brother."

"Even though I am a little cheesed I have missed you too."

we smiled and hugged each other.

and then....well...



"Bella! you should totally check out what the twins got autographed!"

Mikey pulled away and just stared at my twins.

"mama look!!"

he didn't move. just stared.

Will saw who I was with and just made the oh shit face.

we were close so he knew everything.

"Uh Bells you want me to take Luke and Annabelle and go find Matt?"

"No that's okay Will let me take it from here okay?"


Will walked towards me and whispered something

"i will be at the bus if you need anything okay?"

"thanks Will."

"hey there guys can you come here?"

they walked towards me

"Hey I want you to me-"

"You're Mikey Way!!"

"Yeah you are!! Moma you didn't tell us you knew Mikey!!!"

"Well you never asked."

they had smiles on their faces, his smile

and he finally spoke.

"They are Gerard's....aren't they?"

I couldn't lie not anymore.


"You mean I am an uncle?"


he knelt down and went to meet them

"Hey there...I am Mikey nice to meet you. what are your names?"

"My name is Luke Julien Way."

"And my name is Annabelle Lee Way."

"Lee? you mean after.."

"Yeah. After your grandma."

"they are amazing Bells."


"they look like him so much its scary."

they smiled at him and then spoke

"oh mama guess who we got to sign our stuff!"

"Yeah it was so great!"

"Oh sugar who signed your stuff?"

"We got uncle Brendon and aunt Hayley to sign our things!"

"Really? were they happy to see you two?"

"Yeah and then Uncle Will took us to lunch and we ate peanut butter sandwiches!"

"That's good. hey you guys want to go see some other bands with Mikey here?"


"Oh please mama can we?"

"Of course."

we all held hands. and walked off to the grounds.

I didn't have the heart to tell them just yet that Mikey was their real uncle.

I just want to enjoy this moment, even if it might not last long.

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