Look I have something to tell you..

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I was grateful I had to play the next day.

I could try to avoid Gee as much as possible.

I couldn't be around him.

All those feelings, I couldn't take it.

amazingly enough I got up before everyone.

I got ready and went for a walk.

Alone haven't done that in a while.

thinking about everything.

my kids have their dad.

he has Alexis...still don't like her.

and I well I have no one but I have my kids and Matt which is good.

"Hey Ali!"

speak of the devil.

"Hey Matt where have you been it feels like I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah thats my bad. I have been prepping for my interview."

"You prep? You never prep you know everything about every band."

"Yeah well...I needed for this one."

"Who are you interviewing?"

"Take three guesses."


"Yeah So are you okay with me?"

"Yes its no problem. Me and gee are slowly getting on good terms. You know for the kids."

"Ah okay."

I felt my body betray my answer.

My cheeks were getting red

"OH wait there what is that?"

"Wha-whats what?"

"That right there. What is that blush about?"

"Oh...that. that's nothing."

he knew me well enough that each time I thought about Gee I always blushed.

"Spill it Allison."

"Well...it was nothing it was just a kiss on the cheek that's all."

"Oh no I am a guy and a kiss on the cheek means something especially with you two."

"No it doesn't! it was just a kiss on the cheek! I mean we went out with the kids and had a great time. it felt nice."

"Uh huh. You still love him."

"No!...yeah. I always have. I couldn't change that even if I wanted to."

"look you can do one of two things."

"Which are?"

"Just keep being his friend...or."


"Get him back."

"Oh no. no absolutely not. Not gonna happen."

"And why is that?"

"I don't think he loves me anymore."

"Bullshit and you know it. Come on lets see go check out the bill."


I hated admitting that.

I did love him

and no matter how much time has passed I always will.

fuck my life sometimes.

"Hey Bells."

its about to get worse

"Oh hey Gee. whats up?"

"Oh nothing just came for a walk. and wanted to see how was playing at one time. you know festivals everyone gets shuffled around."

"You got that right. last time we were the first ones on. That didn't get well with Luke and Lee."

"I have to go check in with my boss over the phone. See you two later."

"Okay Matt make sure Lee doesn't jump on Luke again."


and then there we were alone. please let me control myself.

"So you are decked out early in the morning."

"Yeah makes life easier. you should talk look at you looking all snazzy."

"Why thank you."

I looked at today's list and apparently we were going to go on right before.

"Hey you are going to go on right before we do! awesome."

"Yeah I should head back and tell Will he can sleep in haha. see ya around Gee."


he grabbed my hand and pulled me back

"What is it?"

"Look I-I have to tell you something."




well there goes that.

"Look I better go anyway before i kill her. I will see you late alright."

"yeah okay. see you later Bells."

I walked off and heard her annoying screeching voice

and then arguing. I smiled all the way back.

I walked on the bus to find everyone running around like chickens with their heads cutt off.

"Oh hey guys slow down whats up?"

"Bell!! we are going on first!! we have to hurry.!"

"Wait who told you that?"

"Matt. man shit this throws everything off!!"


"Why are you laughing?!"

"because..because we go on second to last today he was just messing with you! hahaha!"

"Son of a I am going to get him! Matt!"

"Run Matt!! hahaha."

today is going to be an interesting day



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