to the place where she said you would never come back to...

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after running everywhere I decided to run back to the parking lot of the bakery and see if anyone had found out anything.

when I got there Gerard seemed out of his mind, and everyone else was trying to keep it seemed for our sakes.

"Sugar did you find anything?"

"No Bells no one around here has seen them or Scarlett...that fuck-"

"Keep it together Gee please. Please before I lose it too and then how will we find them?"

"Fine. I can try."

"Did you ask the store owners here they might have seen them or anything."

"No we were going to do that next."'

"Alright come on."

he walked the entire strip of stores until we finally got the last one which was a drugstore.

We walked in and asked every employee in there if they had seen them but nothing.

but there was some worker staring at me behind the photo center and so I decided to go to him.

"Have you seen a boy and a gir-"

"Twins right? boy and a girl? jet black hair? hazel eyes, fair skin?"

"Yes have you seen them?"

"well there was this woman about 50 she came and told me to watch them while she got some stuff, and the boy turned to me and said that a woman with your description would eventually come in here and to give her this. then the both told me to tell you that they both love you and their dad."

she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to me.

"and then the woman came and dragged them off."

"When was this?"

"About an hour ago."

"Thank you so much thank you!"

"you are welcome."

i opened the note

"moma she is taking us to the place she said you would never come back to. A place that grandpa turned to ashes. moma we love you. please come for us. Luke."

oh god.

I know where. I know where she is taking them.


he ran to me

"did you find out anything?"

"Yeah I did."

I handed him the note.

"What does this mean? the place where you would never come back to."

"I know where she took them."

"Bella where?"

"Los Angeles...back to her house..back to that hell hole. come on lets go."

"Go where?"

"Where do you think?"

"What about clothes? tickets?"

"I have enough money to last me 5 life times Gee. Lets go."

"come then."

"Ray, Frank, gals go to the hospital tell Matt and Mikey what is going on and where we will be."

"You got it Bells and please be careful and bring our niece and nephew back."

"I promise Ray. Gee lets go."

we sped on the highway and soon arrived at the airport. we bought our tickets and sat on the plane five minutes later.

"we have to get them back Bells...I just got them in my life... I will not lose them."

"I know sugar. like hell I will let her hurt them."

5 hours later we landed and we rented a car and drove from LAX into Hollywood...and then I finally stopped in front of the house in which I loathed. I sat in the car seat and gripped the steering wheel.

"hey hey there. Look at me. I am here."

all the memories started to flood back.

"Bells babe look at me. I am here with you. You are not alone."

I looked at those hazel eyes.

those eyes I loved and screamed please don't lose it because I am barely keeping it together.

"Thanks. come on."

we got out of the car and started to walk towards the door I wished had burned down since I left. I took steps closer to my past...and all the bitterness and pain that came with it.

and soon enough we were standing in front of the door.

he squeezed my hand and turned to me.

"I love you Isabella."

"I love you too Gerard. and what happens to me promise me you will get out with the twins."

"Don't speak like th-"

"Promise me Gerard."



"I promise my love."

I pulled out my keys and put it in the lock and turned the key.

I prayed for Scarlet because if she touched them......

who knows what I would do.

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