That was a new low....even for her.

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"oh my gosh thank you all so much!"

I looked around for my twins

"Hey where are my kids?"

"Oh they went with Matt to the market to pick up the desserts."

"hahah ah okay you say desserts they say where."

"yeah they left a while back they should have been back by now."

I had this strange sensation come over me, something wasn't right.

"Hold on let me give him a call."

I dialed his number I heard it ring it was a while before he picked up.

"Help...please help me."


"Allison...she came out of nowhere..she took them...he took them sis."

"Who took what?"

"Scarlett Ali, she took the twins. She surprised us outside the bakery and hit me on the head with something hard and she took them."

"Oh my gosh I am on my way!"

Gerard read my expression and knew something was wrong.

"What happened?"

"She took my babies, she took our kids Gerard we have to go find Matt she hurt him."

"Come on sugar."

soon everyone came with us as Mikey said it.

"Like hell we are going to let this bitch get away from them."

we all drove to the bakery that Matt went to we found Matt's car in the parking lot and with the driver door wide open. I got out and ran to it.


"Huh? Alli?"

"Yes oh my gosh what did she do to you?"

he had his head on the wheel and there was blood coming out of the back of his head.

"she must have hit me with something sis because man I am bleeding bad."

"Oh my gosh Mikey take him to the hospital please but before, Matty do you know where she took them?"

"No I don't know I am so sorry sis. I am so sorry."

"Its okay I just want you to be okay."

Mikey zoomed and rushed Matt to the hospital.

"Where could she have taken them Gee? Where?"

"I don't know Bells and but should check places near by and ask if anyone has seen her.."

"okay I am going to run around and see if she is near by and may god help if I do find her because I dont know what I will do to her."

"Okay sugar have your phone. I love you."

"I love you too."

I ran everywhere. Anywhere I could think of. And I was crying the whole way there..

this was a new low even for her. Kidnapping her own grandchildren for what? money?

I swore to myself I would do everything to get them back and to finally put her in her place.

whatever the cost.

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