Strange what a series of unfortunate events does to a person...

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But out of the crowd I notice someone who didn't quite fit in.

Behind everyone there stood a petite blond, holding herself and waved at me.

Curious and a bit shocked as to why she was here so  I went over to her.

"Gee I will be right back."

"Okay sugar."

I went through my friends and to the back of the store to see what she wanted.

"What are you doing here? And aren't you suppose to be in jail or something?"

"Bella, I just came here to make peace. After everything I did, and what Scarlett made me do...and after what she did to you. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't like the person I became, I never wanted all of this for myself."

"You're fucking with me right Alexis?"

"Look I know you think this is a trick but its not Bella I swear. I could have left her kill you but I didn't. I couldn't do that to Gerard, your brother and especially your kids. I couldn't let her to that to them and you. You deserve to be happy...after everything you deserve this."

she seemed to be telling the truth.

girl she is lying through her teeth.

no she isn't by now she would have been yelling and cursing and she isn't, i think she really turned a corner.

"Look I know you might not believe me but one day maybe you will. I am sorry Bella for everything I really am."

she turned to leave but I wasn't done with her yet.

"wait. are you really sorry?"

"Yes. I really am.... for everything."

I looked into her eyes...she wasn't lying.

"I believe you. For some strange reason I do."

"Thanks. Look I better get going before they all turn around and kill me with those glares."


I looked at her new scars that Scarlett gave her.

"Hey those look painful."

"No biggie. the doc said nothing too bad but I will have some scars for the rest of my life."


"Its alright. its like a reminder to never let anyone control me, or be a bitch to anyone anymore."

I smiled.

"That's cool yet weird."

"Thanks. Well Bella I guess this is a goodbye."

"I guess so. Where are you gonna do now?"

"Who knows? But I am gonna see."

"Alright. Goodbye Alexis."

that was the last day i ever saw her. Somewhere down the line I read that she become a fashion magazine editor, she was a kind but tough editor they said but the best thing that ever happened to the magazine.

I was happy that she found her way.

I felt arms wrapped around me.

"Who was that?"

"Oh it was Alexis."

"What?! what did she want?"

"To say sorry and to say goodbye."


"Yeah I know. Strange what a series of unfortunate events does to a person, well that and Scarlett."

" think she changed? Alexis I mean."

"I think she already has."

"That's good. come on Bells lets go have fun in your store."


I joined the rest of my friends and we had fun in my father's record store.

and soon enough they wanted to go crash.

"Oh man I don't want to go back to the hotel."

Matt smiled at me and I nodded.

"Hey Mikes you can come crash at our place. well everyone if you all like."

they all stared at us.

"You guys have a house here? how can you afford that?"

"Yeah me and Ali and the twins have always had a house here we just never stayed in town long enough to use it."

Gerard just smiled because he knew Me and Matty were secret millionaires but the others didn't.

"Come guys."

we all hopped in cabs and went to our rarely used LA house.

which was located a couple blocks away from the store everyone was just too lazy to walk and the twins were tired.

they all stepped out and their jaws dropped at the sight of the beautiful villa styled house.

we splurged a little because we fell in love with it. and the twins were excited when they saw the pool.

"Holy smokes Bells how exactly can you afford this place?"

"our father left us some cash."

"how much cash exactly?"

"Well Mikes lets just say I can buy you an a house in every state and in every other country."


"Wait Bells does that mean I can have a pony?!"

"hahaha no Frankie because you don't have a place to put it."

"Oh come on! at least another dog then!"

"You have enough dogs Frank come on guys let me show you where you guys will be crashing."

"I was only asking.."

I showed then their rooms and put the twins to bed they were exhausted.

"Hey moma."

"Yeah babe whats up?"

"Can we visit LA more often now that Scarlett is away?"

"Of course sugar. we can come anytime we are not on tour alright?"

"Okay...night moma. I love you."

"Love you too Luke."

I kissed his forehead and tucked him in.

Gee was just coming back from Lee's room.

"Can I ask you something Gee?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"When exactly are we getting married? I mean I left my dress back in jersey and I don't have all my st-"

"Don't worry about it all the girls brought everything its taken care of. and its happening on Sunday."

"this Sunday?"

"Yep now come on. its been a long day."


we walked to our room and just crashed on the bed.

"I love you Isabella."

"I love you too Gerard. I can't wait to be your wife."

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