She told me to give it to the person who means the world to me...

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I didn't want to wake up...I was enjoying the stillness of my our home.

I was comfortable and rolled over to find a person laying beside was much skinner.

"Whoa Bells..easy on the grabbing there. I am not Gerard."

I pulled myself up to look up and see...he wasn't Gerard

"Will what the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh come on you think I would miss this?"

"You mean you are here for?"

"I here to see you get married Ms. Black and I come bearing something borrowed...sort of."

"Oh no you didn't have to get me anything Will having you here is more than enough."

I jumped up and gave him a hug.

he was my rock.

"Nu uh Ms. Alicia gave me strict instructions that I was the borrow person..well I am not exactly gonna let you borrow it because I don't want it back."

"Oh no I will not accept gifts from anyone."

"Well too bad because you are going to. I showed up a day early to make sure you were going to wear it."


"Now shush and open it."

he gave me a jewelry box...oh lord.

I took the box and looked up at him and he had a smile plastered on his face.

I opened it to have it reveal a pink stone cut into a heart that was set in a ring.

"Oh Will you shouldn't have."

"It was my mom's. She told me to give it to the person that means the world to me."

I looked at him there was something in his eyes...a little pain but he was happy.

"I adore you Bella. And I am happy that you are marrying the love of your life."

he lost his mom a few years back. she was a lovely woman and had always loved me, the twins and Matt.

"William you really shouldn't have."

"Oh no she would have wanted you to have it. I think she put it in her will hahaha."

"Thank you so much."

"Anytime shortie."

he hugged me

"Now get your ass up and get dressed because you have a full day planned with me."

"Oh no I don't want to get up."

"No go Bells get up or I am just gonna let Alicia and the rest of the gals do the whole spa thing with you as opposed to me, Matt and the twins."

"Give me 5 minutes."

I ran and got dressed.


"yeah Hun?"

"Where is Gerard?"

he came into the bathroom and handed me a note and a lily.

"He told me to give you this."

i opened it and read it.

'well sugar I am forbidden to see you until tomorrow according to our wedding planners who have gone insanely insane. I love you and cant wait until tomorrow. I am staying at my parents motel room until the wedding.

I love you deeply. and oh have a fun day with Will, our twins and Matt.



"I love him so much."

"I know Hun now come on! I need some R&R."

"Hold your horses we have to get the kids and Matt."

"They are already in the car."

"Oh okay the-"

he just grabbed my hand lead me straight to the car.

"Roll on Matty we have a big day today."

"Ay ay Captain Beckett."

"you two are such nerds."

"We know Alli but you still love us."


my twins just sat on each of my ends and rested their heads on my lap.

"Mama...whats a spa?"

"Its somewhere that makes you feel all pretty dear."



"But what are the guys going to do?"

"I have no idea sweetie."

"Uncle Matt what are you and uncle Will and Luke going to do?"

"Oh sweetie we are gonna get all pretty too we don't want to be all hideous at your parents wedding."

"well I guess its a good thing I brought my camera then hahah."

"that's my girl."

When we got there lets just say we got some really good pics of the boys that involved mud, and manicurists.

"Oh gosh I feel so good but all that pampering made me hungry."

"Moma there is a diner a block or two away from here."

"Lets go!"

we got our booth

"Oh hey I will be right back."

"Sure Alli."

I came back to see my twins holding another box.

"oh no not you two as well."

"Well mama its three technically...its from us and Uncle Matt...we are Blue."

I took the box.

"Oh my gosh..."

it revealed a heart shaped earrings...but with sapphire stones.

"You three my gosh come here."

i gave them a bone crushing hug.

"We saw them and we thought of you."

"You shouldn't have."

"We had to...Alicia is scary mama when she is in wedding mode"

"I seconded that."

agreed will.

I sat there and looked at my brother, best friend and my kids...this was the best pre wedding day ever..

"I am glad it was just us today."

"Same here sis."

"True that shortie."

"Ditto mama."

"What they all said moma."

"I love you all."


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