thank you.

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Pull it together.

Isabella Allison Hayley Black pull it together.


Just break it to him easily.

Slowly is the key word.

Ha! Oh yeah Gerard my mom is still alive and she might come find us.

Could you for the love of god shut up already shesh who knew my conscience was an annoying bitch.


"Hey Matt could you watch the twins for a bit I have to talk to Gerard about something."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Yes could you just lay off. I just hope he can keep it together."

"Good luck sis."

"Thanks I am going to need it."

I got off our bus and started to walk over to Gee's

I spotted Mikey outside with Bob and Frank.

"Hey Bells what's up?"

"Nothing much Bob hey do you know if Gee is in?"

"Yeah him and Ray are working on the set list."

"Oh okay thanks."

I stood outside the door of the bus and then took a deep breathe and went up the steps.

I didn't see anyone in the front.

"Gerard? Where are you I need to talk to you."


"Yeah its me."

"Oh I am in the back!"


Alright just try to relax and make the words come out right.

"Hi Bells?"

"Hey can I talk to you about something serious?"

"Uh yeah sure. Ray could you?"

"No problem man I am going to get the guys to help me finish maybe they want to do some covers tonight."

"Thanks man."

We watched Ray disappear and then we turned to each other.

"So what did you have to talk to me about?"

"Look this isn't easy for me to talk about, or even say but you have to know."

"Know what?"

I looked down at my shoes and I could feel the tears form in my eyes.

He could sense that I was losing it.

"What's wrong Isabella you are scaring the shit out of me what is it?"

"I lied."

"what? What did you lie about?"

"You remember when Alexis threatened to tell my mom where I was?"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything."

"Bells tell me."

"I lied about her being dead."

"I am sorry say that again?"

"She is alive."

"Your mother? She's-she's alive?"

"Yes. I had to tell you because I have no idea if Alexis is going to show up randomly with her or what. I can never tell what she will do with the information that she has. But Gee I can risk her coming here ruining your life, or the guy's."

Gee just sat there.

The silence was eating at me.

Slowing making me lose my sanity more and more the longer he stayed quiet.

"Please...please say something Gerard."

It's like he just snapped out of it as soon as I said something.

"How could you keep this from me?"

"I-I don't know."

"Isabella this is big why didn't you tell me before hand?!"

"I don't know!!!"

"I can't believe you. After everything you told me about her and what a horrible person she is you lie and say she is dead."

"I am sorry. I just couldn't have you go into overprotective dad mode."

"And why the fuck not?! They are my kids too and damn it I will do anything to keep them safe from the likes of that devil!"

"They don't need that Gerard."

"They are only 6 years old of course they need it."

"No they don't. along the way they picked up some defense stuff from Matt, Will, and anyone else they met. They can protective themselves and they have everyone on the look out for them incase I am not with them. And Matt has some bodyguards look out for them when we are both busy."

"That's not enough. Fuck I am have to be with them every minute."

"Relax Gerard."

"No! fuck where are they now? Are they safe?"

"calm down."

"I can't!"

Now he was the one losing it. He was on the verge of panic attack.

I went to him and buried my face in his chest.

"please keep it together. I can't stay calm if you lose it too. Please?"

"Bells I need to go see-"

"Gerard please."


"Please please calm down please."

He tensed up and went stiff for a moment and then finally relaxed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I am sorry Bells. Its just that you, Luke and Lee mean the world to me. And if anything were to happen to you...I just I don't know what I would do."

"I know how you feel. I had those two inside me, and I never thought I would love two people so much in my whole life. I never thought I would be a mother. Not after the one I had. I always feared I would end up like her. But now I am not as afraid as I once was."

"Yeah I never thought of having children with other past girlfriends but once I met you. I knew that one day I could have a family with you."


"Yeah you are it for me Isabella Allison Hayley Black. And I am not letting you or our family go."

"I love you and thank you."

"I love you too Bells and thanks for what?"

"For giving me my babies."

"You're welcome sugar."

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