You can't control your heart, no matter how much you want to..

820 16 9

"Well you can sit on the other bench and watch them play."

" don't have to be this way."

"What way?"

"Cold and mean."

"Look you were the one that said you wanted nothing to do with us, and especially me. You were in my face about punching your girlfriend who insulted your kids. So don't tell me I shouldn't be this way."

"I am...sorry. it was just you showed up and sprang this all on me you know. It was all too much to take in at one time. Just because I acted like a jerk doesn't mean I don't want to get to know my kids. I missed five years of their life for crying out loud."

"I guess I should apologize for that. I didn't mean to...look I left for my reasons. and lets leave it at that."



" they call Will dad?"


"I just noticed that you are him are close and my kids love him...and well I was wondering if they called him dad."

"Oh gerard you have some nerve to be asking that question."

"What? I just want to know if they call some other guy you bring around them dad or not!"

he was seriously pushing it

"for your information they do not call him dad, they call him uncle, me and Will are close but we are not dating. And if we were dating it would be NONE of your business."

"Shesh I just asked a question can we at least try to be civilized human beings."

"You should talk. I can be civilized about this. I want my kids to know their dad. But if you ever treat them they way you treat me, you will never see them again because they will never want to see you again. and oh one more thing if your girlfriend ever hurts them it will be the last thing she ever does. I dont want her around them."

"Fine I promise she wont be around them."

"Now smile cause here they come."

and they came running.

"Hey moma."

"What are you doing here dad?"

"I just wanted to surprise you guys and wanted to see if you guys wanted to grab a bite to eat?"

"Oh mama can we?"

"Yeah can you moma?"

"Of course you can. Hey make sure they eat enough."

"Wait mom you aren't coming?"

"Why? We want you to come."

"Yeah Bells we want you to come."

"I don't"

well what harm can come from a simple burger?

arguing, yelling, crying....feeling something again.

oh come on he has that bitch its just a burger.


"Alright I will come."

Luke reached for Gee's hand and he held it, and then Lee held Luke and then grabbed mine.

this was something I thought would never happen.

I mean ever.

We were going a family.

this feels nice.

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