Love is like the ocean, forever in motion, forever changing...

758 14 1

it was the day of the party

Gee called it an early night last since he wanted to be well rested.

I woke up early to go get him up and get things set up for the day.

and made sure the presents were hidden.

I got dressed and ran to his bus.

"Oh hey Bob what are you doing up this early?"

"I couldn't sleep last night someone here kept me up I don't know who."

"Sorry to hear that but make sure to drink something because today is going to be a big day."

"Will do Bells."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran off to Gee's bunk

"Hey sleepy head time to get-"

and then I saw something I couldn't get out of my head

even if I got with a hammer

it was Alexis....laying next to gee naked.....

and he was too

"oh hey there Bella. Like what you see?"

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"Oh you see I came here night and well we just couldn't keep our hands off of each other..."


"Huh? what? oh shit."

"Yeah I can't believe you. I guess everything you ever said to me was a fucking lie."

"What no Bells!"

"I don't want to hear your crap. I have to go get out kids party set up enjoy that bitch."

I stormed off the bus.

I had to calm down it was my kids birthday

I couldn't let them see me like this

"Will!! Will!! Will!"

fell out of his bunk

hair all over the place

"What Bells its early and I am.. oh shit what happened?"

"He was...he was in bed with her."

"In bed with- oh Bella baby I am so sorry."



"Will I am sad, and mad as hell and its Luke and Lee's birthday party today I can't let them see me like this."

"alright alright"

"And just as the sun sets

Just as we will forget these precious moments

When another day is through

And just as the moon knows

It cannot always glow through every evening

Some days you will find me sleeping

'Cause I'm on again and off again

I never told you, I never will

'Cause I'm on again and off again

If I can't hold you, somebody will

Love is like the ocean

Forever in motion, forever changing

Never twice the same

You may miss me one day

You may wish you hadn't stayed

You may forget me

You may never let me go

'Cause I'm on again and off again

I never told you, I never will

'Cause I'm on again and off again

If I can't hold you, somebody will

On again and off again

I never told you, I never will

'Cause I'm on again and off again

If I can't hold you, somebody will"

"Sean Lennon?"

"Yeah Luke and Lee played it for me once and I just loved the song."

"Thanks Will. You are the only one who just gets me."

"You know I am here for you and I don't ask question I know you wont answer."

"I love you for that."

"Now come on babe let wipe those tears away and get me some clothes and get set up okay?"


he wipe the tears from my face and kissed my forehead and held me for a while. He was my rock, Matt and Will were there for anything I need.

he got dressed and when Matt got up he just knew Gee did something. He didn't say anything he just gave me a hug.

He read me like a book.

but for now I had to put on the bright face for my angels.

"Now who is six years old today?"

"We are!"

"We are!"

"hahaha you guys are getting so big."

"Where is daddy moma?'

"He is getting ready come on. We have to go set up your decorations and everything."


we walked out to the grass area next to where the buses were parked and started putting up balloons, and streamers in the trees, and decorated the tables.

and then I heard his voice.

"Bells! wait Bells!"

he came running towards me

"I don't want to hear it."

"But Bells what you saw it wasn't-"

"I have eyes I know what i saw now please either go away or help set up I don't want to argue in front of the kids on their birthday."

"Bells just listen."

"Gerard I never thought you were the one to cheat... never but that, what I saw back there was was disgusting. and and"

"And what?"

"You broke your promise and I can't look at you the same way anymore. Bottom line is you can be part of our kids lives but as for me and you we are done. cheating is something I can't tolerate and you know this because of what it did to my parents and how it drove them apart and what they did because of it. So don't you dare lie to me and say you didn't because you are lying. now go change and set up and don't say another word to me."

"Bells please."


I turned my back on him and walked away.

I went over to the bus and pulled all the presents from the back and fell to my knees and couldn't hold it together.

why does he always break my heart more and more?

Sometimes I think the universe is trying to tell me that we really aren't meant to be together..

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