You already made her cry!

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we layed down together and they just told me that they loved me and it made me a feel a bit better.

these two were my world.

my everything, the reason I do what I do is give them an adventure.

"Hey Bells."

"Yeah Will. I just wanted to tell you I am always going to be here for you. no matter what okay?"

"Thanks Will. it means a lot to hear you say that."

"Anytime and oh you have some visitors."


"So...its did makes babies!! I am an uncle!"

ladies and gentlemen Frank Iero

"Yes Frank and yeah you are haha."


"moma is frank really our uncle?"

"Not not your blood uncle baby but he is your moma's best friend so he is in a way."


"Yeah Luke say hi."

"Hi uncle frankie!!!"

"They there!"

and next thing you know Luke ran and tackled him to the ground and started to play. what can I say boys will be boys.

I sat with annabelle and watched them play

"So man Bells we have missed you."

"I have missed you guys too Ray."

"Promise is you won't leave again its just too weird without you."

"I don't know.."


"Fine I promise not to leave you guys again."

"Okay then now please introductions."

"Oh yeah well Ray, Mikey, and Bob this is Annabelle. Say hi sweetie."

"Hi everyone."

Bob smiled at her and spoke up

"So I heard you are a drummer so am I."

"I know! you are one of my favorites!"

"Well really you want me to teach some tricks?"


and then Bob went to the lounge around to show Anna some tricks and gave her some tips as well.

Drummers cant understand them haha

"Mikes...does Gee know that?"

"No he doesnt know we are here. he is on the bus just laying around there.... thinking I guess."

"I guess I deserved it. After everything I did to him."

"Now dont you think like that Bells you didn't deserve they way he treated you. Alright? you made a choice to protect him and all of us when you left and look at you. You are happy right?"

"Yeah I am Mikes. But sometimes I do miss him but I guess I have to try to move on now, since he doesn't love me anymore and doesn't want to get to know his kids."

"Just give him time. he will come around you will see."

"yeah I suppose."

"Hey you know what will cheer you up?"

"What Ray?"

"How about we take you and the twins down to the park and we go play on the playground?!"

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