Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Carly, Carly wake up!" My mom yelled at me

It was 6:30am on August 30th, also know as the first day of senior year. Most girls would be excited for the first day, to show off their new clothes, and to see cute boys in their class. Most girls were, except I'm not most girls. When I think of school all that comes to mind is stress, anxiety, and having to deal with the same people I've dealt with for the last 12 years. I'm so glad it's finally senior year, and I will be able to move on. At least I can count on moving on, because I have gotten a full ride scholarship to go play soccer at UCLA. Even though that is in the same state, I am still excited to finally leave the Bay Area. Yes, I forgot to include that I live in the Bay. The only thing I'll actually miss here besides my family is my best friend Kalin. We have been through everything together, and being separated for good will be really hard to deal with. Anyway back to the first day. I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. Even though I really didn't care what I looked like, I decided to somewhat try on the first day. I didn't want to show up in a sweatshirt and give the wrong impression. So I decides on a camo tank top, black high waisted shorts that were studded around the pockets, and my black hightop converse. I curled my hair, and put on minimal makeup. I grabbed my new black jansport backpack, and walked downstairs. I grabbed an apple, then walked out to my car. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted kalin saying that I just left and would be by his house to get him in 10 minutes. Even though Kalin could drive himself, we have always carpooled since sophomore year. It gives us time to talk in the morning before things get crazy. I pulled up in front of his house, and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and immediately his mom opened the door.

"Oh my gosh Carly. I have missed you. It was so weird not having you at our house during the summer." His mom exclaimed

See, Kalin is part of a music duo called Kalin and Myles. He's in it with another guys named Myles Parrish, who I'm also good friends with. The boys have been on tour all summer, and got back just in time for Kalin to start school. I haven't seen Kalin in about two months, and I really miss that kid. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, to reveal an overly tired Kalin. I walked right up to him and gave him a huge hug, dang I missed this kid so much. I pulled back a bit and looked up at him. He had a huge smile on his face, even though I could tell he was about to pass out from exhaustion. We said goodbye to his mom, and walked out to my car.

"Kalin I missed you so much" I said hugging him again

"I missed you like crazy too" kalin said yawning

"What time did your flight get in last night?" I asked

"Around 3am"

I could tell Kalin was just as unhappy going to school as I was. I started my car and drove us the rest of the way there.

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