Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

(To stop future confusion, Ana is the boys manager if you didn't already know)

-Kalin's POV-

"What? Why? The EP has been out for five minutes" I said

"I know. She said she needs to see us now" Myles said

"Did she tell you what it's about" I asked

"No, she just said it was important" Myles said

"Okay" I said walking towards the door "Jake, Tyler, Carly, you want to come with" I asked turning towards them

"Nah, we'll just hang here and watch a few movies" Jake said

"Okay see you later" I said

I quickly kissed Carly before walking out of Myles room. We walked out of his house, getting into his car. Myles turned it on, driving away from his house.

"I'm nervous to find out what this is about" Myles said

"Same bruh, we haven't done anything wrong. Right?" I asked

"Nothing. She just sounded so tense on the phone. Maybe something happened with the EP" Myles said with a nervous tone

"Myles calm down, the EP has been out for ten minutes. It was only out for thirty seconds when you answered her call" I said

"It has been out for a couple hours in the UK. Maybe something happened over there" Myles said

"Whatever it is, the last six months of our hard work just got released to the world. Let's just calm down, and worry about whatever this is when we get to her office" I suggested

"Sounds good" Myles agreed and continued driving

When pulled into her office parking lot, noticing how deserted it is at 10 at night. We both got out of the car, walking up into the office building. We got to the second floor, finding her door, and walking in. One light was left on in the back, everyone else had already gone home.

"Boys come in here" Ana said from the back room

Myles and I walked down the hall into the bright office.

"Please sit down" She said pointing to the two chairs facing her desk

"Why did you call us here" Myles asked

"Well first off I want to congratulate you on your EP sales. The hour it took you to get here, your EP is already 19 on the pop charts" Ana said

"That's great" I said smiling

"But that's not the reason I called you here" Ana said going back to her serious tone

"What's the reason" I asked

"Before you boys got here, I was on the phone with a rep from Columbia Records. They heard your EP, they're interested in signing you" Ana said with a slight smile

The second those words left her lips, my heart stopped. They want to sign us? The high school kids from the Bay? I looked over at Myles and I could tell he was thinking the same thing. This was our dream. We've been chasing it for over two years now, everything could finally work out.

"I know that's a lot to take in, but it's nowhere near a done deal yet" Ana said

"What do we have to do" Myles asked

"Well I worked out an appointment for next month. Until then, work on some new songs. Take the ones that didn't make the EP, and make them amazing. Create a little demo of new stuff, in case they want to hear it. Also keep a low profile. Don't get caught up in anything at school, or on twitter. Keep promoting the EP, but not to other labels. Respond to fans, but be a little more careful about what you say, don't flirt so much. They may not like that. Last thing, do not mention this to anyone. You can tell your family of course, but no one besides them can find out. Understand?" Ana explained

I looked over at Myles and we both nodded our heads.

"Now go celebrate. The EP is doing amazing, be proud of yourselves" Ana said

"Thanks Ana. For everything" I said

"Hey I'm your manager for a reason right?" She said laughing

Myles and I both stood up, quickly hugging Ana before leaving. We walked out of the building, and back into Myles car. We sat there in silence, letting that all soak in.

"Can you believe this" Myles said breaking the silence

"I know. This is everything we've ever dreamed about. It could all come true" I responded

"We got to work extra hard on this stuff. Bust our butts more than we did for the EP" Myles said

"I know, but what am I supposed to do about school" I asked

"We'll work it out don't worry" Myles said before turning the car on

He pulled out of the spot, before starting the drive back home.

We finally got back to Myles house, and saw Tyler, Jake, and Carly on the couch watching Paranormal Activity. They were so caught up in the movie, they didn't even hear us come in. I walked up behind Carly, leaning my head over the couch, and kissing her temple. That earned a very high pitched scream from her.

"What the hell Kalin" She asked smacking me

I tried to contain my laughter, but Myles couldn't stop either.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" I said kissing her cheek

Jake stood up, paused the movie, and turned on the lights.

"What did Ana want" Jake asked

I looked over at Myles, silently asking if this was a good time to tell them. He nodded.

"Okay guys, everyone sit down" I said

Jake sat back down, and Carly calmed back down after I scared her. Myles sat next to Jake, and I sat next to Carly putting my arm around her.

"Ana brought us in tonight, to tell us..." I paused to make sure they were listening

They all nodded, telling me to continue

"Columbia Records is possibly interested in signing us" I blurted out

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