Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

-Kalin's POV-

I buttoned up my last button on my shirt, and grabbed my phone. I quickly texted Carly telling her I was leaving in five minutes. I walked out of my room, down the hallway.
"Sweetie you look so handsome" My aunt said
She was at my house watching my sister while my mom and I were out.
"Thanks. I have to go, I'm late picking up Carly" I said walking out the door
I drove the couple minutes it was to Carly's house, and got out locking the car. I walked up the steps, and knocked on the door.

Soon Carly opened the door wearing a black dress, and red heals. My jaw dropped, she looked absolutely amazing.
"Honey, you might want to pick your jaw up from the floor" My mom said from behind Carly in the distance
She must still be here with Carly's mom.
"Mmm-hmmm you look beautiful" I said clearing my throat and smiling
"You don't look so bad yourself" Carly responded smirking
Carly stepped out of the door, and grabbed my hand.
"You two be back no later than 11, okay?" Her mom said
"Yeah" I responded
We walked out to my car, me opening the door for her letting her in. I walked around to my side getting in, and starting it.

"So where are we going" Carly asked
"It's a surprise" I said smirking
"Really? Really Kalin? You can't just tell me" Carly said laughing
"Nope, now sit tight and relax. We'll be there in a bit" I said smiling

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, I walked over and opened Carly's door for her. The place was a smaller family run Italian restaurant. Everyone told me the food was incredible.

I took her hand, and we walked in.
"Reservation for White" I said to the lady in the front
"Right this way" she said
She lead us to a table in the back, behind the other dinner rush. She brought us to a smaller quieter room, with only about four couples in it.
"Kalin you did all this in such a short amount of time, why" Carly said smiling
"Because I love you, that's why" I said smiling back at her
Her smile got brighter as we sat down. I picked up the menu, and instantly knew what I wanted
"And of course this is an Italian restaurant" she said laughing
"You got a problem with Italian food" I asked jokingly
"No it's my favorite, just typical Kalin" she laughed
I focused back on the menu, and found an appetizer for the two of us.
"Hello I'm Jenn and I'll be your server for the evening. Can I start you to with some drinks" the women standing in front of our table asked
"I'm fine with some water, what about you Kalin" Carly asked
"Water is great for me too" I responded
"Great. Any appetizers you want to try" Jenn asked
"Yes, can we get one order of breadsticks" I asked
"Yes, I'll have those out in a few minutes" she said walking away

She came back 10 minutes later with a basket of breadsticks.
"Thank you" Carly and I said to her
We both picked a bread stick up, and took a bite
"Oh my god" I said
"They're amazing" Carly said smiling
"Here let me feed you one" I suggested
"No, that can be taken in a weirdly sexual way" Carly said laughing
"Holy shit" I said while almost tearing up from laughing so hard

As if on cue Jenn came by to ask us what we wanted for our main course. I had to try and compose myself in front of her.
"I would like the ravioli" I said
"And I will have the spaghetti" Carly said
Jenn walked away taking both of our menus.
"Kalin are you okay" Carly asked
"Yeah, I've just never heard you say something like that before" I said laughing even more
"Well I'm full of surprises" Carly said winking

When our food finally arrived, it was amazing. This place lived up to all the recognition. We finished and I paid the bill. We made our way out of the restaurant, and to my car.

When we got back to Carly's house, it was 10:30. We walked in her front door and saw my mom and her mom still talking.
"Hey guys. How was the restaurant" My mom asked
"Amazing" Carly said
"That's great, but we need you two to come have a little chat with us" Carly's mom said
"Umm okay" I agreed
We both walked over, talking the empty seats at the table.
"Well the two of us have been talking, and with everything that's been going on, we think Kalin should start being homeschooled" My mom said
Carly's face fell. I could tell she was not happy with me being gone.
"But because I know Carly will practically kill me if I take you away from her, you will be homeschooled too" Carly's mom said to her
"But what about soccer" Carly asked
"That's the great part. Because it's independent study through the school, you can still be on the schools team. You can also still go to all the school functions like prom. You just aren't taking the classes on the campus, you take them at home" Carly's mom explained
"That's perfect" Carly said
"Yeah, when do we start" I asked
"Well tomorrow is your first day" my mom said
"But you guys need to promise us something" Carly's mom said
We both nodded
"You both have to work extremely hard on your school work. If either of you drop below a 2.0 you will be put back into regular classes. Carly you know that you must remain higher than a 2.0 in order to keep your scholarship, so I expect you to keep it" Carly's mom said
"Of course! We will work hard everyday" Carly agreed
We both got up and hugged our moms. Then walked down the hallway to Carly's room.
"You realize we will have so much more free time now" I said
"I know, and no more waking up at 6 am" Carly said smiling
"Our moms are the best" I said
"They really are" Carly said smiling

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