Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

Well guys before I start, all I can say is wow. I started writing this story thinking the boys being signed would happen sometime after I finished this, but I was wrong. Them being signed is absolutely incredible. I'm so proud of them and I know they have worked so hard for this. They have a lot ahead of them, and I'm excited to see what the future brings. Anyways, now to continue with the story.

-Kalin's POV-

What the hell did I just do? I just broke up with the love of my life for my career. I thought this would be the best thing to do but I honestly don't know anymore. I just hope I can talk to Myles since he's going through the same thing.

I got home and slowly walked back to my room.

"Kalin, honey is something wrong. Did the meeting end badly" My mom asked from the kitchen stoping me from walking
"No, uh we got signed" I said scratching the back of my head
"Then why aren't you partying, you got signed that's amazing" she said running over to me to give me a hug
"The don't allow dating" I said
She looked me in the eye for a second, then I could tell it finally clicked
"Oh honey what are you going to do?" She asked
"I just talked to Carly" I said
"And what happened" she asked
"Were done" I said waking to my room leaving her standing there

-Carly's POV-

Why the hell did I ever tell Kalin to chose his career over me? I know I sound so selfish right now, but I haven't stopped crying since I got home and that was three hours ago. I'm going to miss him so much, he obviously is going to move to LA soon. I have to stay up here for soccer, and I can't just leave my team. I guess my scholarship is to UCLA, which means I'll eventually be joining Kalin down in LA. For right now all I can focus on is keeping Kalin in my life. Just because our relationship didn't work out doesn't mean we can't stop being best friends... Right?

-Kalin's POV-
Moving day. Time to say goodbye to the bay for now and start a new life down in LA. Ana helped Myles and I pick out an apartment down in LA that we'll use when we are recording. Carly is coming over in a few minutes before I leave for the airport. It's been about 3 weeks since we broke up, and we are really trying to get back to our old friendship.

I heard a knock on the door pulling me from my thoughts. I walked down the hall and opened the door to a smiling Carly. She walked in the door, and I gave her a hug. Damn I miss us. Hopefully one day we can get back together.
"Don't have too much fun in LA without me" Carly said
"I'll try not to" I responded laughing
"You know I'm going to miss you like crazy. Just promise me you won't forget me when you get all big and famous" Carly said looking into my eyes
"I could never. You'll always have a place in my heart" I said truthfully

I grabbed my backpack from the ground, and opened the front door letting Carly walk out first. We walked silently down the driveway to Myles car that was waiting for me. I opened the passenger door and climbed in rolling down the windows.
"I'll miss you boys. Have fun, and make some awesome music while you're down there" Carly said wiping a tear that was now falling down her cheek
"Aww are you crying" Myles asked
"Yeah. I'm just so proud of you guys. You both deserve this so much, and I know LA is going to bring you nothing but great opportunities. I love you both" Carly said wiping more tears
"I'll see you in a couple months" I said to her
"One last thing" Carly said

She leaned in the window, and connected her lips with mine. It feels like it's been forever since I've kissed her, and that same spark is there. She pulled away, and had a smirk on her face.

"Never forget your promise okay" she whispered in my ear
"I'll never forget" I responded
"Bye guys" Carly said backing away from the car, wiping more tears

I rolled up my window as Myles pulled away and drove down the street leaving my house in the distance.

Leaving the bay is one of the hardest things I've done. I love LA, I really really love LA, but my whole life is in the Bay. I got my mom, my little sister, my cousins, and of course Carly. I know I'm not leaving the bay forever, but I'm really going to miss it here. This is where it all started. That first meet up at Myles house where we wrote more than friends together. At the time I was battling my feelings for Carly, and Myles was feeling the same way for a different one of his friends. Together we wrote that song not knowing it was the start of something huge. Just two kids from the bay trying to make it big, and we are one step closer.

~Also if more people start commenting, I might just reveal who I am ;) for now follow this fanfics twitter @lovinkam1~

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