Chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

-Carly's POV-

I've been in LA for about two weeks now. What started out as an apartment search, has turned into a vacation with my boyfriend. It's now my last day here, and I'll be leaving in about two hours.

"Can't you just stay a little bit longer" Kalin begged watching me pack
"Babe you know if I could I would. I have to get back to school for soccer, and graduation" I responded folding up my t shirts
"But I won't see you for three weeks" Kalin said with a pout
"It won't be that long. Your album is finally finished, you'll be extremely busy with promo. I have to take all my finals, pass my classes, and then graduate" I said
"Just stay one more week" Kalin begged again
"I really really wish I could, but I have to start getting ready for finals. The day after graduation I will be in a moving truck driving down here with all my stuff for college. The three weeks will fly by, I promise" I responded
"I'm really going to miss you" Kalin said
"I'm going to miss you too" I responded

An hour later we arrived at LAX. Kalin and I decided it would be easier to say our goodbyes at the house, so Myles was here dropping me off.
"Thanks Ybm. I'll see you in a couple weeks" I said opening the car door
"Carly, wait" Myles said
"Yeah. What's up" I asked
"How's Jessi been" he asked
"Well after you both broke up with us, we kind of got through it together. I haven't seen her since I left for LA" I responded
"Can you talk to her for me. Just to see where she stands about possibly getting back together" Myles asked
"Yeah of course" I responded
"Thank you Carly. I owe you one" Myles said
I opened the car door, grabbed my suitcase and walked into the airport.

After an hour and a half flight back to the Bay, I arrived to see mine and Kalin's moms waiting to take me home.
"So how was it" My mom asked with a huge smile
"We're back together" I replied
"Yay" they both yelled together

We got back to my house, and I texted Jessi asking if she wanted to meet up since I hadn't seen her since I left. She responded a couple minutes later and said she was free for the next couple hours. I walked outside to my car and drove to Jessi's house.

I got out of my car and walked up the front steps, knocking on her door.
"Oh my gosh Hi" Jessi said excitedly opening the door
"Hey! How's everything been" I asked walking inside her house
"It's been okay, how was LA" Jessi asked leading me to her room
"Yeah, we need to talk about that" I said kinda nervous
"What? Did something happen" She asked with a worried expression
"Kalin and I got back together" I said after a short pause
"Carly did you think id be mad" Jessi asked
"I don't know, are you" I asked
"Of course not, I'm happy for you two" she responded
"Dang I feel a lot better after telling you"'I said with relief
"Wait, what did the record company say about it" She asked
"About that, let's just say the boys are a loud to date again. Which leads me to the question of you and Myles...." I said
"Myles.... Id be lying if I said I didn't think about getting back together with him everyday since we broke up" Jessi admitted
"Then give him a call! Go down and spend a weekend with him. Now there is nothing stopping you" I said
"You're right, I think I'm just scared that his career will come in the way again and I'll be hurt again" Jessi admitted
"Jessi, he really cares for you. The second he found out he could date again, I could tell he wanted to pick up the phone and tell you" I responded
"Than why didn't he" she asked
"I think he was afraid you had moved on. He asked me to talk to you first to see how you felt about the idea of getting back together" I responded
"Well it would be great if you could pass the message along to him that I love that idea" she replied

Jessi and I spent a couple of hours together just talking in her room. We caught up on all the things I missed at school, and all the stuff I did in LA. I eventually had to go home for dinner at my house.

"Hey mom I'm back" I said yelling throughout the house as I walked through the front door
"Were in the kitchen, dinners on the table" my mom replied
I walked through the living room into the kitchen to see my whole family their. They all looked up and smiled at me.
"Woah, is something going on cause you're all giving me this kinda odd look right now" I said looking at them weirdly
"Oh nothing is going on sweetie" my mom replied with a weird tone of voice

Suddenly I felt two arms snake around my waist and wrap around my body giving me a hug from behind. I turned around in their arms to be met with his eyes.
"Hey babe" Kalin said

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