Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

-Kalin's POV-

Carly didn't know, but I never fell asleep. Yeah, I was really tired, but I had way to much stuff on my mind. I pretended to be asleep until she fell asleep. Lately I've been having these feelings for Carly. These feelings haven't just appeared, they have been here this entire time. I just recently realized though, that it wasn't a sisterly love I felt for her. Our entire friendship I've had feelings for her. I know I have to tell her soon, before I lose even more sleep over it. I've known her forever, and I know what she likes. If I tell her, it's gotta be really special. It's far from ruining our friendship at this point. I have to tell her. I'm going crazy keeping this from her. I'm just worried I'm too far in the friendzone, that I won't be able to dig myself out...

-Carly's POV-

All during dinner, Kalin kept staring at me. It's kinda starting to freak me out. I need to talk to him, see what's up. He never hides anything from me, and I hope that hasn't changed.

We finished dinner, and Kalin went home to sleep since he was exhausted. I went up to my room, finished what little homework I had from the first day, then went to bed.

-Kalin's POV-

I got home from Carly's house, and went straight to my room. I need to sleep but I can't stop my mind from racing. It's like, I got back from tour and now I can't clear my head. Even though I've had these feelings forever, I think something is trying to tell me it's time I tell her. I sat at my desk chair, and got my phone out of my pocket. I knew exactly who I needed to talk to. I went to the contact and hit the facetime button.
"Myles, I have a problem and I need your help" I said

- Carly's POV-

I woke up the next morning, and got ready for school. I decided on black skinny jeans, red converse, and a white flowy top with a gold cross on it. I walked downstairs, grabbed an apple again, then walked out to my car. I drove the short drive to Kalin's house, and when I pulled up he was already sitting on the curb ready. He got in the passenger seat, and gave me a slight smile. He then turned and looked out the window. "Umm okay" I thought to myself.

-Kalin's POV-

After the talk I had with Myles last night, I can't wait for the plan we came up with. Just two weeks until I tell her. The only issue is, I don't think ill be able to keep my mouth shut. I've never not told her something before. Well except of course how I give a crush on her, but now it's this huge plan and I just don't know. I'm going to have to be really careful around her. I can't let this slip, everything has to go perfectly. Looks like I'll have to kinda ignore her for a bit, just until I'm sure I won't spill the plan.

-Carly's POV-

We got to school and Kalin got out of the car, and started speed waking to the gym. I assumed he was going to go shoot some baskets, it's what he does when he's stressed. I decided to go find my friend Jessi. Out of all the people I'm "friends" with at school, she's the one I'm closest with. Even though Kalin's my best friend, Jessi is great and I'm kinda close with her. I walked into the math building at my school, and found her leaning up against some lockers listening to music.
"Hey Jessi" I said
"Oh hey Carly! How was your first day yesterday?" She asked taking her headphones out
"it was okay, but I'm not very happy to be back" I laughed
"Yeah, I'm not very happy to he back either! So where's Kalin? Normally you guys never leave each other's side" She asked laughing
"He ran off to the gym, he's probably playing basketball with his other friends"'I said shrugging just as the bell rang
I waved to Jessi before waking to my first class.

The day went by pretty quickly, everything was normal. Kalin didn't talk to me much today, but that's okay. He just got back from tour, I'm sure he wants to see some of his other friends.

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