Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

-Carly's POV-

I just landed at LAX, I arranged with Kalin that they would come pick me up from the airport.

I walked out of the tunnel, and saw a tall guy with a SnapBack talking to a shorter guy with camo shorts on. I laughed to myself as I made my way over to them.

Since the breakup, it's been really hard. I could say I got really depressed. It wasn't so much about losing Kalin as a boyfriend that got me, it was that they moved six hours away from me. I know Kalin is chasing his dreams right now, and I will always be supportive of that. But when he first left, I tried to keep telling myself that I would be fine without him. I didn't contact him in fear it would all become too real, and it would suddenly sink in that my best friend moved. I soon understood that Ive never been without him. Even last summer when he went on tour, I still had closure knowing he would come home eventually. I then realized that dwelling on Kalin leaving, wasn't going to change the fact that he's in LA. So I focused on soccer, and went back to regular school. Jessi and I are best friends now. After her breakup with Myles, we helped each other become happy again. I'm now ready for UCLA, and excited to take on this new chapter of my life. I'll be graduating next month, and hopefully moved down here a couple weeks after. I of course still love Kalin, and I always will, but I think I needed to focus on my dreams before I was ready to get back with Kalin. Him being gone has been really hard, I miss him everyday. But knowing if I work hard and graduate, I'll be down in LA with him kept me going towards my goal. I'm now ready to get back together with him, and know what it would take to be in a long distance relationship. However, that doesn't change the fact that it's against the rules to date.

I walked up behind Kalin poking him in the shoulder.
"What the? Oh my god hey" Kalin said turning while laughing and wrapping his arms around me in a hug

I missed this, being wrapped in his arms.
"Kalin I can't breath" I choked out
"Oh sorry" Kalin said letting go of me
"Myles doesn't get any love" Myles said from beside Kalin with a fake pouty face
"Aww come here Myles" I said laughing and hugging him

We let go and Kalin had already grabbed my suitcase.
"Ready to go" Kalin asked
"Yeah, I'm excited to see your apartment" I said
"Oh it's so nice, the record company hooked it up" Myles said

After a thirty minute drive home from the airport, we pulled into a parking spot. I got out of the car, and followed Myles up the stairs to the front door. He unlocked the door, and opened it up revealing a really messy living room.

"Have you guys heard of a thing called a vacuum" I said laughing
"Yeah, we hardly have time to clean up cause we've been at the studio so much" Myles said scratching the back of his head
"Well while I'm here I'll try and clean this place up" I said laughing
"That would be great" Myles responded
"Where's Kalin" I asked
"I don't know, I'm pretty sure we didn't forget him at the airport" Myles said laughing while walking out the front door

We both walked out the door and looked down the stairs to see Kalin struggling to carry my suitcase up the stairs.
"You need help down there buddy" Myles said laughing and walking down to meet Kalin
"Actually yes. What the hell did you pack" Kalin asked looking at me
"Everything I'll need while I'm here" I said laughing

With the help of Myles, they both got my suitcase upstairs.

-Kalin's POV-

I can't help but feel nervous around Carly. There's obviously stuff we need to discuss, but we can't really talk about it in front of Myles.
"So you'll be sleeping in Kalin's room" Myles said
"And where will Kalin sleep" She asked laughing
"On the couch" Myles responded
"No keep your room, you guys are helping me out a lot by letting me stay here so I'll take the couch" Carly responded
"Don't be crazy, you get my room" I responded rolling her suitcase down the hall towards my room

-Carly's POV-

It was now 7pm, and we were all sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Alright, well now that we have an extra mouth to feed, we need more food. I'm going to quickly run to the Safeway down the street, I should be back in about 30 minutes" Myles said grabbing the car keys and walking out of the door

"Okay bye Myles" Kalin said laughing since Myles ran ran out before either of us could say goodbye
"So Kalin, we haven't had much time to talk. How have you been" I asked
"Think have been kind of crazy here. Everything's moving so fast" Kalin admitted
"But this is everything you've ever wanted. Since we were kids you talked about making a name for yourself in la" I responded
"Yeah, but I can't help but feel like a part of me is missing and is still up in the bay" Kalin said

I knew he was talking about me by the way he was looking in my eyes. He had this expression of guilt and sadness.

"Kalin..." That's all I could say before he interrupted me

He smashed his lips against mine, and I got the same butterflies from our first kiss. Our lips started to move in sync, knowing we've both been waiting for this kiss since I got here. All the pain from the breakup had now vanished, and the love I felt for him overpowered everything. The need for air became too great, causing us to pull apart. Kalin caught his breath before saying

"Just hear me out Carly. We can make this work. I love you, and will always love you no matter what. We can keep it long distance until next month when you move down here for school. I can't live without you Carly" Kalin admitted

His expression changed to a look of pleading. Begging me to agree to his idea.

"Kalin you're forgetting the whole reason we broke up. You aren't aloud to date" I said hoping he would come up with a solution

He got silent for a few moments while what I just reminded him went through his mind.

"You know what, screw them. If they fire us because I'm spending my life with the one I love, then they are crazy" Kalin said standing up
"Kalin are you sure about this" I said standing up to join Kalin
"I've never been so sure about anything in my life" Kalin said

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