Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

-Kalin's POV-

I finished hanging up my Curry poster in my new room in our apartment in LA. I sat down on my new bed, and sighed. The record company hooked it up with this nice apartment, but I can't help but feel like something is missing. The sad thing is, I know exactly what that thing is. Carly really should of come with us, we could of stayed together. We could of just kept it a secret.

"Hey bruh you alright" Myles said poking his head in my room
"Yeah man, just missing home" I responded
Myles walked in sitting next to me on my bed
"You don't have to say that, I know you're missing Carly" Myles said slightly looking me in the eyes
"Yeah. I just can't help but feel like I shouldn't of broken up with her. We could of stayed together, and just kept it a secret" I explained
"That's true you could've. But do you really want to start out our new record deal with lies. Imagine what would of happened if they found out" Myles said
"Yeah bruh you're right" I said accepting the facts
"Just keep your head up, and let's kill it with this album. After a while they'll forget about the rule, and Carly will be down here on her scholarship soon anyway" Myles said
"You're right, and we have that show in Sacramento in a few weeks. We have to stay in the bay for that, I can visit her then" I said slightly smiling
"Yeah you can bruh, but be careful. You guys are broken up, you have to remember that you can't still kiss and act like a couple cause then you're just confusing yourself. That kiss she gave you when we left for the airport the other day should be your last until you guys officially get back together, you know what I'm saying" Myles explained
"Yeah I got you" I agreed
"Okay, I'm just looking out for you. The last thing I want to see is my best friend hurting" Myles said

We gave each other a hug before Myles started walking out of the room.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I ordered pizza it'll be here in about twenty minutes" Myles said smiling
"Thanks bruh, you know just how to cheer me up" I said laughing
Myles laughed then walked out of my room.

-time skip-

It's been about four months since we moved to LA. Things are definitely different now. I think about Carly everyday, and how much I regret letting her go. I saw her three months ago for a show we did, but things aren't the same. I had a fear of this, that we would date then break up and things would be weird. Back before our whole relationship we used to just sit and talk for hours. It didn't even matter what the topic was, we just liked being around each other. I remember the way I would try and crack a joke that would always end up being really corny, but she would laugh anyway just to make me feel better. The way she would run her fingers through her long hair to make sure it was perfectly in place at all times. The mornings I would wake up and rush over to her house just so we could have breakfast together. Things were a lot more simple before our whole relationship. Don't get me wrong, I want her back as my girlfriend. I would do anything to get her back, but things were just different. I miss her as my girlfriend, and I miss my best friend.

I soon realized I had been laying in bed thinking about Carly for an hour now. This is pretty much an everyday thing, I would lose track of time because of my thoughts. I got out of bed making my way down the hallway to the kitchen, where Myles was eating cereal.
"Good morning bruh, ready for today" Myles asked with a mouth full of cereal
"No, what's today" I said grabbing the eggs from the fridge
"Don't tell me you forgot" Myles said
"I guess I did" I replied
"Today we get to pick the final tracks for our first album" Myles said
"Oh shit how could I of forgotten" I practically yelled
"Yeah! We have to be at the office in an hour" Myles said
"Alright, I'll be ready in half an hour" I responded

I finished putting my t shirt on, and grabbed my gold chain necklace. I grabbed my shoes and walked down the hall to the front door.
"Myles are you ready" I asked
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the car" a faint voice yelled from down the hall

I grabbed the keys from the hook on the wall and opened the front door. I walked down the steps of the apartment over to our designated parking spot. I opened the driver side door and climbed in turning on the car. I was adjusting the radio when my phone stared ringing. I reached in my jeans pocket, and answered without looking at the caller I.D.
"Hello" I said into the phone
"Hey" a quite but familiar voice said on the other end
"Hey how are you" I asked
"I'm good, what about you. How's the music coming" Carly asked
"It's good. We get to pick our final songs today" I replied
"That sounds fun" Carly said
"Yeah, hopefully the album turns out well" I said
"I know it will" Carly said,

There was a long silence for a second, letting us both think.

"I miss you Kalin. I can't do this anymore" Carly said
"I miss you too Carly" I said letting out a sigh
"I'll be down in la in two week looking for apartments for UCLA" Carly said
"While you look you can stay at our apartment" I said
"Are you sure, will Myles be bothered" Carly asked
"Carly you're practically his sister" I said laughing
"That's true, well I guess I'll see you in two weeks" Carly said
"See you in two weeks" I said
"Bye" Carly said
"Bye" I said hanging up "I love you" I whispered after I hit end.

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